🐍🔮Here's what happened...🕸🕷

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Bella looked at Beck with an uneasy look in her eyes as she remembered what he did to her and Peter. Bella puts a hand on Peter's shoulder.

"Hello Bella. Hello Peter", Beck said. Bella glared at him. "It's good to see you again. The gullible teen and the Destroyer of Worlds".

Bella began to feel creeped out. Her hand started shaking. Peter grabbed her hand.

"Bella, would you like to continue?" The Judge asked.

"Y-Yes, your honor", Bella stuttered. Natasha was worried for Bella. She hasn't heard Bella stutter in years.

"We should be up there with her",Lavinia whispered to Natasha.

"Bella can handle herself", Natasha says.

3 months after Zephrine snapped
Bella's point of view

"Parker. Parker!"

Peter turned around to look at us. "Yes, sir", Peter said.

"That thing is going to be here in a few hours. Are we boring you?" Fury asked.

"He's not bored. He's just thinking about how you kidnapped him", Beck said.

"You should've seen his face. I loved it. I think I even got a picture. Best reaction I ever seen in my life", I said as I laughed. "You should've heard him scream like a girl. Yeah, he screamed like a girl".

"He had obstacles. I removed them",Fury said.

"They still won't evacuate the city",Hill said.

"Idiots", Me and Fury said in unison.

"So what's the plan, Parker?"

"I will be in the cathedral tower, keeping watch for the fire monster. When that shows up, I will radio you guys. And me, Mr. Beck and-" Peter was cut off by Quintin.

"My name is Mysterio".

"That's when, Mysterio, Frostbite and I will move in", Peter finished.

"Peter, listen to me. The best hope you have, the only hope, is to stop it here and now. No matter what the cost. Move it away from civilians if you can. But most important, keep it away from metal. If it gets to big, it'll be able to drop power from earth's core. After that, there's no way to stop it",Quintin Beck explains.

"Hey, man. My friends are here and I can't help, but think we're putting them in danger", Peter said.

"You worry about us hurting your friends? You call a drone strike on your own school tour bus", Fury said.

"He never meant to hurt anyone-" I was cut off by Fury.

"Isabella, you will not speak right now",Fury said. He looks at Peter. "Stark gave you a multibillion dollar AR tactical intelligence system. And the first thing you do with it, is try to blow up your friends. It's clear to me that you were not ready for this".

Before Peter walked out of the room, I saw the sad expression on his face. I looked at Fury, ready to lash out.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked. Fury, Hill and Beck looked at me. "He's not some soilder that you can boss around".

"Maybe you should teach him not to blow stuff up", Fury says.

"He didn't mean to do that! But, how would you know? You never bothered to get to know him. You're just using him. Like you're using all of us!" I shouted.

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