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3rd person's point of view

Everyone was in the common room. Everyone except Zephrine and Bucky. The Avengers were watching TV.

"Where's Zeph and Bucky?" Bella asked.

"Probably making out", Regina said.

"Regina", Loki said.

"Oh, come on. You did it with...what's her name? Uh...Sigun. Let's not forget her. I mean, you both gave us Revna and Lavinia", Regina said.

"My mom, what was she like?" Bella asked.

"She was a lot like you and Lavinia. She was very sweet, she liked to get into trouble, and she was really into your dad. You should've seen the way she'd look at him", Regina said. Bella smiled.

"Were you friends with my mom?"

"As a matter of fact, yes, I was. When my brothers or just Thor, pretended they were busy, I'd play with her all the time. Sometimes Loki joined us. Thor would join us too. Oh, I remember this one time, the four of us were joined by Sif, Volstagg, Fandral and Hogan. We ran into the forest and we got to fight our first monster".

"That's incredible", Lavinia said.


Bucky ran into the room. "Where's Zephrine?" Tony asked suspiciously.

"She's distracted. Listen, I need your guy's help", Bucky said.


Zephrine came back into the building. No one was in the common room. "Guys?" She asked. Zephrine walked into the kitchen. There was no one. On the counter, there was a note. "Look in your room". Zephrine ran towards her room. A trail of flower petals led to her room.

Zephrine opened the door. Everyone was in her room. Jean and Quill played a song. There were Christmas lights and lanterns hung around Zephrine's room.

Zephrine walked towards Bucky. "Do you want to tell me what's going on?"Zephrine asked.

Bucky pulled out a ring. Zephrine looked at him in shock. "Will you, Zephrine, marry me?" Bucky asked.

"Yes", Zephrine said. She and Bucky kissed. Everyone cheered.

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