Time Loop Pt.2

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I hid in my room with Jean, Regina, Uncle Thor and Loki. Regina had a walkie talkie in her hand.

"An android is pissed at me, we're stuck in a time loop. We all need to stay in hiding. Now what? How are we going to fix this?" I asked.

"He said you attacked him", Jean said.

"But I didn't", I said.

"The way you grabbed him, it seemed like you were attacking him", Jean said.

"Told you she was stubborn", Regina said.

"You're right. I shouldn't have grabbed him like that. I need to talk to him", I said.

"We need to make sure he doesn't kill Bella or anyone of us", Loki said. The five of us walked out of the room. We slowly walked down the hallway.

Me and Jean had one of our hands out in case we needed to use our powers. Loki held his dagger and Thor held Stormbreaker. Regina held a fire ball in her hand.

"I think this is the coolest we ever looked", Thor said. Everyone gave him a glance.

"Where is he?" Jean asked.

"I don't know. This is scary", Regina said.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're actually scared, Regina", Loki said.

"Shut up", Regina said.

"Guys, I feel like...", I started. We all turned around to see Vision. "Like we're being followed".

"Isabella", Vision said.

"Vision", I said. "I'm sorry if it seemed like I was attacking you. I shouldn't have gone after you like that. Like Regina says, I'm stubborn".

Regina looked at Thor. "I was right. Pay up", she said, holding her out.

"Regina, I don't have money", Thor said. Regina looked at Jean. Jean sighed. She reached into her pocket, but Loki grabbed her arm.

"You don't have to pay anything", Loki said.

"I forgive you, Isabella", Vision said to Bella.

"Will you, please, tell us what's causing the time loop?" I asked.


"Bloody he-"


I woke up in bed. I grabbed my walkie talkie. "He doesn't want to tell me. I even tried to be nice. What now?" I asked.

I heard Jean sighed. "We're gonna do something...and you're not gonna like the plan", she said.

Later, Me, Jean, Regina, Loki and Thor walked towards Vision. "Listen, we tried being nice, but if you won't tell us how to stop this, we'll fight you. We don't want to be in this", Jean said.

"I understand", Vision said.

"So you'll help us?" Regina asked.

5 minutes later

The five of us were on the ground, injured. "I take that as a no", Dad said.

I sighed. I didn't want to do this. "Game on, Robocop", I said.

"Let's try something else", Jean said.


I woke up in bed. I ran into the kitchen. The group was already there.

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