❤Growing Love❤

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Bella, Lavinia, Wanda and Pietro were dancing together in the kitchen as they made breakfast. Zephrine carried Hudson into the kitchen. She smiled at them.

Loki and Natasha came into the kitchen. "What are they doing?" Loki asked.

"Let's let them have their fun", Zephrine said. She, Natasha and Loki walked out of the room.

Bella, Wanda, Lavinia and Pietro continue dancing. "So, is this the vision you showed me and Pietro a while back?" Wanda asked Bella.

"Yeah, I guess it is", Bella said as Pietro twirled her around.

Later that day, when everyone was awake, Pepper and Morgan came to the newly built Avengers Facility.

Hudson and Morgan hugged each other. "If you want, I can come with you", Bucky said to Zephrine as she puts on her jacket.

"Don't you know it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?" Natasha asked.

"Don't you know that's a myth?" Bucky asked. Natasha rolls her eyes.

"I'm going to go to the store with Nat, Lavinia, Pepper and Wanda so they can help me find a Wedding dress. Here's a fun idea. You, Dad, Steve, Sam and Loki can go to a different store to buy a suit",Zephrine said.

"Why me?" Loki asked.

"Well, you got married before. Maybe you have some advice", Zephrine said.

"I wouldn't ask Loki for advice, by the way. I had to learn that", Regina said.

"We'll be back in a little bit", Zephrine said. She kissed Bucky. Zephrine, Lavinia, Wanda, Pepper and Natasha walked into the elevator.

"Bye boys. Have a excruciating day",Regina says with a smile. She walked into the kitchen.

"Ignore my sister. She can be such a pain", Loki said.

"We've noticed", Tony said.

Bucky, Tony, Steve, Sam and Loki walked into the elevator. Bella looked at Morgan and Hudson. They ran outside to go play on the balcony. Bella stood where she was.

"Are you okay, Bella?" Peyton asked.

"Yeah", she lied.


At the store, the group of women searched for a dress. Zephrine found a long white dress with long sleeves.

Lavinia found a short sleeved dress. It had white flowers going down the bottom half of the dress.

Natasha found a dress with straps. And it had a lot of glitter. The bottom half of the dress was so long.

Pepper found a dress that was strapless. It had red roses around the waist. The bottom half had glitter.

Wanda found a dress that was poofy at the bottom. No sleeves.

The five of them gathered next to the dressing room. "Zephrine, try on one of these and come out so we can see how it looks", Pepper says, handing her all five dresses.


Bella sat on the couch, thinking to herself. Jean sat next to her. "You haven't touched your coffee. Are you alright?" Jean asked.

"I don't know. When I was with Hudson and Morgan, I felt this weird energy. When they left the room, I couldn't sense it anymore. I can't tell if it's good or not", Bella said.

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