New Members

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Spoilers for Shang-Chi

Tony, Peyton, Natasha, Steve and Zephrine stood in an empty room. Zephrine was looking out the window.

"Are you guys ready for the new members?" Tony asked.

"Yeah. The more the merrier", Peyton said. "Has anyone on this team met these new recruits?"

"Yeah. Bruce and Carol. They said they seem nice", Natasha said.

"How did they manage to find these guys?" Zephrine asked.

"Something about a evil thousand year old father and ten magical rings. I wasn't paying attention", Tony said.

"Of course you weren't", Natasha and Zephrine said.

"Mr. Stark, the new recruits have arrived. They are waiting for you downstairs", F.R.I.D.A.Y said.

Zephrine and Peyton ran out of the room to greet the next recruits.


Zephrine, Bucky, Peyton, Thor, Jean, Steve and Natasha stood by the elevator. The elevator opened to reveal the new recruits, Shang-Chi and Katie.

"Hi, welcome to the Avengers Compound", Peyton said, shaking Katie's hand. She looked at Peyton with a shocked expression. "I can show you both to your rooms".

They followed Peyton to their rooms. " guys are apart of Chinese culture?" Peyton asked.

"Yeah", Shang said.

"Me too", Peyton said. "Well, my father was American. My mother was Chinese".

The three of them approached a door. Across from the other door was another door.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y will tell you when dinner is ready", Peyton said.

"We get to join you at dinner?" Katie asked in shock.

"Of course. You two are Avengers now", Peyton said. "Enjoy your rooms". Peyton walked away.


That evening, everyone sat at the dinner table. "So how long have you two been friends?" Natasha asked.

"10 years", Shang said.

"That's a long while", Peyton said.

"Can I ask you something?" Shang asked Peyton. Peyton nodded. "What's your Chinese name?"

Everyone looked at Peyton. "That's a good question", Steve said.

"One I see my brother hasn't bothered to ask", Regina said, glaring at Thor.

"It's fine, Regina", Peyton said. "My name is Li Xiuying".

There was silence until Natasha spoke. "It's beautiful", She said. Peyton looked down, blushing.

"It's...different from Peyton", Thor said. Peyton looked at him.

"If you won't kiss her, my wife and I will do it for you", Regina said, taking off her jacket.

"Put your jacket back on", Loki said quickly. Regina glared at him. "Now, sister".

"Bitch", Regina muttered under her breath as she puts her jacket back on.

"Things got real, real quickly", Zephrine said.

"Your training starts tomorrow with Clint and I. We'd like to teach you a few things before you go out into the field", Natasha says to Shang and Katie".

"Hey Steve?" Clint asked, turning to Steve.


"Do you think my friend, Kate can also join the team?" Clint asked.

"You have friends?" Bella asked. Pietro laughed. Clint throws a napkin at them both which landed on their faces. Bella and Pietro laughed.

"I mean, I don't see why not", Steve said.

Hudson got up and hurried away from the table. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's the rush, bud?" Tony asked.

"I'm got to go catch a vampire", Hudson said.

He ran off. Everyone looked at Lavinia. "His aunt introduced him to the Vampire Diaries. And Twilight", Lavinia said.

Everyone looked at Bella. "Twilight? The one with the sick girl and the abusive boys?" Clint asked.

"She wasn't sick. She was pathetic!" Bella snapped. "I was surprised her dumb ass didn't die in the 1st movie".

"But isn't that where you go your name?" Jean asked.

"No. I got my name from the witch who murdered her cousin in Harry Potter", Bella said. Everyone looked at her in shock. "That was a joke. I got my name from a flower".

"Well, the name that Nat gave her came from a flower. Revna, the name Dad gave her, is Nordic for Raven", Lavinia said.

"Your name went from Revna to Bella?" Katie asked. Bella nodded.

"Katie", Shang said.

"It's better than changing your name from Shang to Shaun", Katie said.

"What?" Zephrine asked.

"They don't need to hear that story", Shang said.

"I want to hear", Peyton said.

"Yeah", Regina said as everyone nodded in agreement.

"Okay. So when we met, he told me his name was Shaun", Katie started. The Avengers listened, interested by the story.

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