🌹Bella's Backstory❄

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In the common room, Bella and Pietro sat in front of the piano. Pietro was playing the piano. The Avengers listened to the music.

"What is this again?" Lavinia whispered to Zephrine.

"Bella's lullaby", Zephrine said.

"Lullaby?" Loki asked.

"Guys, shh", Regina said.

Everyone listens to the piano music. Bella smiled at Pietro. When the song was over, everyone clapped.

"That was beautiful. I didn't know you played piano", Lavinia said.

"I'm still learning", Pietro said.

"It was great, Pietro", Regina said.

"I loved it. It was beautiful. I enjoyed my lullaby", Bella said. Bella kissed Pietro.

"Those two are adorable. I'm telling you, they should have children", Jean said to Lavinia.

"Bella as a mother. I still remember Mother holding her after she was born",Lavinia said.

"I remember holding her for the first time", Loki said.

"I remember adopting her", Natasha said.

"I remember seeing her superpowers",Clint said. "I was the one who suggested she was from another planet. Nat said it was a ridiculous idea".

"Ridiculous, but true", Lavinia said.


Bella's Story

19 years ago

A month after Natasha adopted Bella, Clint came to Natasha's house. Bella was in the living room, drawing. After drawing her picture, she ran into the kitchen to show Natasha and Clint.

"Look. I draw a rose", Bella said excitedly.

"It's beautiful, sweetie", Natasha said.

Bella ran out of the room. As she was drawing another picture, she heard a shout of pain. Bella ran into the kitchen.

"Damn it", Clint cursed. His fingers was bleeding. Bella looked at the knife on the counter. There was blood on it.

"I told you to be careful", Natasha said as Clint sat down at the table. Bella sat next to Clint. She looked at his finger.

"I'm not a child, Nat. I know how to use a knife", Clint says.

"Then, what's that?" Natasha asked, pointing at the blood on his finger.

"Ketchup", Clint lied. Natasha rolled her eyes. Bella grabbed Clint's finger. Bella closed her eyes.

"Bella, what are you doing?" Natasha asked. The cut on Clint's finger closed. Natasha and Clint looked at her in shock.

"What the hell?" Clint asked.

Bella opened her eyes to see Natasha and Clint looking at her. Bella ran out of the room.

"I told you she was from another planet", Clint says.

"No, that's ridiculous. Are we talking about this now?" Natasha asked.

"Yes, Nat. We can't say it's a ridiculous idea. Your child has superpowers".

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