🏙🚗Adventures in Babysitting Pt.2 🎥🎬

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The car arrived in front of a shop. Nicole, Bella, Hudson, Ned and Morgan got out of the car.

The five of them walked inside to see Peter and MJ standing next to the door.

"You kids are in big trouble", Nicole said to Peter and MJ.

"What else were we supposed to do? You wouldn't let us do anything fun",Peter said.

"You guys didn't have to sneak out",Bella said.

"It's not like you'd care", Ned says.

"Okay. I deserve that", Bella said.

"We deserve that. Alright. Let's get home, make popcorn, go outside and watch a movie on a projector. Does that sound fun to you kids?" Nicole asked. The children smiled and nodded.

"Let's get out of here", Nicole said. Bella, Nicole and the kids walked out of the building.

A tow truck took the car away. "Hey! What are you doing? That's our car!"Bella shouted, but the tow truck left.

"Nikki, what do we do?" Morgan asked. Everyone looked at Nicole. She walked into the building. Bella and the kids followed her.

Nicole and Bella walked towards the man at the front desk. "Hi. Can you tell us where the closest tow truck company is?" Nicole asked.

"You mean Mike and Jim's?" One of the men asked.

"Whatever the hell you call it", Bella said.

"Bella!" Nicole elbowed her in the side. Bella and the man had a stare down. Nicole clears her throat to get both's attention. "Can you help us or not?" Nicole asked.

"Talk to my partner over there", The man said, pointing at a guy who was practicing his sword fighting.

Bella and Nicole cautiously walked towards the man. "Uh...Hi", Nicole said. The edge of the man's sword was inches away from Nicole's chest.

"Bloody hell", Bella said. "Nikki?"


"We live with so many dangerous people. Why are we afraid of a guy with a sword?" Bella asked.

"Is it because we don't know this guy and he might want to kill us?"

"Yeah, that's it", Bella said.

"Uh...Hi. We're...looking for a tow truck company. Your friend said it was Mike and Jim's", Nicole said.

"That is incorrect", the man said. "The place you are looking for is Dawson's".

"Mind telling us where that is?" Bella asked.

The man looked at them. "Are you ready to face...the true?" Bella and Nicole looked at each other. They looked at the man. "Yes?" They asked in unison.

"Wrong!" The man shouted, making Bella and Nicole flinched.

"I think I just peed a little", Nicole said.

"Me too", Bella said.

The man sighed. "I will help you", he said.

"Does that mean we get to live?" Bella asked.

He walked towards the front desk. Bella and Nicole followed him.

"These little girls need a map to Dawson's", The man with the sword said.

"Hold the hell up", Bella said. "If you call us little girls again, I'll slap you until your head starts spinning, son of a-"

"Bella, Bella! Stop!" Nicole said.

"Here's a map. Now get the hell out", one of the men said, giving Nicole a map.

Meanwhile, MJ searched through the artifacts on the table. She came across a file. MJ gasped.

MJ ran towards Bella and Nicole. Bella, Nicole and the guys at the front desk looked at her.

"MJ, what's wrong?" Nicole asked.

MJ looked at Bella. Her thumb on her right hand was placed next to her left eye.

Bella looked at the two men in shock. Nicole was confused. Bella looked at MJ. "Well, it looks like we got to walk home. I'm sorry your eye's hurting at a time like this", Bella said. She grabbed Nicole and MJ and walked away from the two men at the front desk.

"Come on, kids", Nicole said. Ned, Peter, Hudson and Morgan followed them out of the building.

When they were across the street, MJ spoke. "Those two guys have a criminal record", MJ said. "Theft, bank robberies, it's all on here". She pointed to the paper.

"What do we do?" Peter asked.

"Okay. We have to get Morgan's dad, my sister and probably Zephrine", Bella said.

"Bella, let's not quit now. We're babysitters. We need to get this to the police", Nicole said.

"I'm the one who hates the government, remember?" Bella asked. Hudson grabbed her hand.

"Please, Auntie Bella. The night can't be over yet", Hudson said. Bella sighed.

"Fine. We'll go to the police, get our car, go home", Bella said.

The two guys walked out of the store. "Hey!" One of them shouted, pointing at Bella, Nicole and the kids.

"Run!" Nicole shouted.

The group of 7 ran from the two criminals.

"Get inside", Nicole shouted as she and her crew approached a building. The seven of them went inside. The door closed just as the criminals approached the building.

The two criminals ran inside. Everyone was in hiding. They were in a movie theater.

"It won't be long to find you!" Criminal #1 said.

Peter, MJ and Ned hid next to the projector in the theater. Morgan and Hudson hid behind the front desk. Bella and Nicole hid behind the seats on the top floor.

The criminal walked into the seating area. "I'll check the top. You check the bottom. Those kids are in here somewhere", Criminal 1 said.

Bella and Nicole crawled toward the left side of the seating area. Criminal 2 was searching the bottom row. Bella and Nicole crawled to the other side to see the other criminal walking up the stairs.

The projector turned on. A robotic evil laugh was heard. "They're up in the booth!" One of the criminals shouted as he and the man with the sword ran out of the room.

Bella and Nicole stand up. They took the other exit out of the room. Hudson and Morgan was sitting behind the counter with Peter, MJ and Ned.

"Let's get out of here", Bella said.

They ran out of the building. "Grab their car!" Bella shouted as she pointed at a car.

"What? That's stealing!" Nicole shouted.

"Car or get caught?" MJ asked.

"Good point. Get in the car", Nicole said. Nicole gets in the driver's seat. Bella gets in the passenger seat. The kids got in the backseat.

Nicole stomps on the peddle. The car took off.

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