📗🐍Here's what happened...Pt.2🕷🕸

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"State your name", The Judge spoke.

"Isabella Edith Romanoff", Bella said. She didn't use her real name that much.

"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing, but the truth?"

"I swear".

"So tell me, Mrs. Romanoff, how did you and Mr. Parker meet Mysterio?" The Judge asked.

"Well, I met Mr. Beck one time. Peter has met him twice. I don't know about the first time, but I was there for the second time", Bella said.

Bella's point of view
3 months after Zephrine snapped

I woke up in Aunt May's apartment. I heard a noise from the kitchen. I quietly walked into the kitchen. I saw Uncle Fury sitting at the table.

"It was a mistake to break an entering in a apartment that I'm sleeping in, Uncle Nick", I said.

"You know I'm not scared of you, Bella", Fury said.

"And I'm not scared of you", I said, crossing my arms. Fury stands up. I stayed where I was. "The kid isn't here".

"I know".

"So then, what do you want?"

"I know the kid's in Venice. We need yours and Parker's help", Fury said.

"Who's we?" I asked.

"You'll see", Fury said.

Fury took me to this secret location. He left and came back with Peter. He tells Peter to take his mask off. That's what Peter does.

We followed Fury. "There, we have Maria Hill. And that is Demetri. And this, is Mr. Beck", Fury said.

"Mysterio?" Peter asked.

"What?" Quintin asked.

"Doesn't matter. It's just what my friends call you", Peter said.

"Mysterious, yes", I said. I was already getting this weird vibe around him.

"Well you can call me Quintin", Beck said. He and Peter shook hands. Beck looked at me. "Romanoff". He wanted to shake my hand, but I kept my arms crossed.

"I don't trust you", I said.

"Take your time", Beck said. "You handled yourself well out there today. I saw what you did with the tower. We could use someone like you on my world".

"Thanks", Peter said. "I'm sorry. Your world?"

"Mr. Beck is from earth. Just not yours",Fury explained.

"There are multiple realities, Peter and Bella. This is Earth, Dimension 616. I'm from Earth 833", Beck explained.

"I'm sorry. You're saying there's a multiverse. Because I thought that was just theoretical. I mean, that completely changes how we understand the initial similarity. We're talking about an eternal inflation system and how does that even work with all the Quantum-That's insane", Peter rambled.

I looked at him with a smile. Peter looked at Fury and Hill, who didn't show an impressed expression. "Sorry. It's really cool", Peter apologized.

"Don't ever apologize for being the smartest one in the room", Beck said. I nodded in agreement.

Fury and Hill scoffed. "Anyway", Hill said. I rolled my eyes.

"They were born in sable orbits. Within black holes, creatures formed from the primary elements. Air, Water-"

"Fire and Earth", I finished Beck's sentence. Beck nodded.

"The science division had a technical name. We just called them elementals", Beck explained.

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