Adventures in Babysitting Pt.4

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The group ran towards the police station as the two criminals followed them.


The group turned around to see one of the criminals held Hudson. "Give the papers to us and we'll let him go",One of the criminals said.

Bella glared at him. "Get away from my nephew", she said. The criminals lifted off the ground. Police cars drove towards them.

Hudson ran towards Bella. She pulled him into a hug. The criminals were dropped on the ground. The police got out of their cars and arrested the two criminals.

Nicole handed the criminal records to an officer. Bella talked to another officer.

"Well thank you. We'll make sure they're locked up for a long time", the officer said. His phone rang. He looked at his phone. He answered it.

"Hello?" He asked. Nicole walked towards him and Bella. "That's great. I'll be home soon...I love you too". The officer hangs up the phone.

"Sounded really exciting", Nicole said.

"Yeah. My wife is about to have a baby. My little girl's excited about her little brother", the officer said.

"That's amazing. Congrats", Nicole said.

"Can I ask you something, sir?" Bella asked.

"Yeah, sure".

"When your child was born, weren't you scared?"

"Well, yes. I didn't think I was cut out to be a dad. Hell, I'm still nervous, but it's all gonna be alright, you know?"

Bella nodded. "Yeah", She said. "We should get going".

The officer walked towards his car. Nicole and Bella walked towards the kids.

"Guys", Morgan said. "Look". They saw where Morgan's gaze was. There was a tow truck place called Dawson's.

"We're here", Nicole said. She and her crew ran towards the tow truck company's building. A lady walked outside. She looked like she was about to close up.

"Wait, wait, wait! Stop!" Nicole shouted.

"Sorry, kid. We're closing", the lady said.

"Not yet, you're not. You don't know what we've been through tonight!"Bella argued.

"Neither do you. So don't mess with me, okay?"

"Don't mess with the babysitters",Nicole snapped. The kids ran into the car. Nicole and Bella got into the car. Nicole started up the car and drove off.

"I told you we'd do it", Bella said. She looked at her phone. "Wait, I got a text from Mom. From 2 minutes ago".

"What does it say?" Nicole asked.

"'Hey Bella. We're finished with the mission. We're on our way back. Tony and Pepper should be heading back as well'", Bella reads.

"We better hurry", Nicole said.


The group arrived at the Facility first. The kids cleaned up the kitchen. Bella and Nicole clean the common room. When they were done, they heard a jet outside.

"Kids, get upstairs. Pretend you were asleep this whole time", Nicole said. Bella grabbed two books. She gave one to Nicole and jumped onto the couch. Nicole jumped onto the couch. They both started reading.

Tony and Pepper came into the room. "Hey Guys", Pepper said.

"Hey Mr. and Mrs. Stark. I hope you had a great night", Bella said.

"I hope the kids weren't too much",Pepper said.

"No. We had a lot of fun since Tony decided to bore them for the whole day", Nicole said.

The rest of the Avengers came into the room. "Hey guys", Bella said, not looking up from her book.

"What're you reading?" Zephrine asked.

"I don't know, but I love it. Kidding. It's called Divergent", Bella said.

"How'd it go with the children?"Natasha asked.

"Fantastic", Bella said with a smile.

"I'm gonna go make sure they're alive", Tony said.

"Tony! Calm down. They're alive. I didn't kill them. I didn't expect to have fun tonight", Bella said.

"You have a heart now?" Peyton asked.

"Hell no", Bella said. She looked at Pietro. "Can we go outside?" Pietro nodded. Bella and Pietro walked out of the room.

"So are they expecting?" Tony asked.

"She's thinking about it. I think she's ready", Nicole said.


Bella and Pietro were outside. Bella wore her jacket. "So what made you change your mind tonight?" Pietro asked.

"I thought about it. I read books about parenting. I looked through scenarios. I almost like children. Almost. But if we ever have one, I'll love him. Or her. I love you", Bella said.

"I love you too", Pietro said.

"Kiss her!" Morgan shouted from the window.

"Kiss him!" Peter shouted.

Bella and Pietro laughed. The children laughed along with them. Bella and Pietro kissed.

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