💍It's Time💍

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Bella ran into the kitchen. Peyton was teaching Thor how to cook. Bella ran into the Bucky's room. Steve and Sam were helping him get ready. Bella ran into Zephrine's room. She and Lavinia had to help Zephrine get ready.

It was finally here. Bucky and Zephrine's wedding.

In the kitchen, Peyton looked at the ingredients to make a cake. "Can't we just buy a cake?" Regina asked.

"No. It won't taste great", Peyton said.

"I've tried a store bought cake. It's not bad, Peyton", Loki said.

"I need flour, milk, eggs and sugar",Peyton said.

Regina looks into the refrigerator. "I don't see any eggs, Peyton", She said.

"They-They have to be in there", Peyton said. Regina shook her head. "Empty out the fridge".

"Peyton, they are not in there", Thor said.

"No. No, no, no, no. Not at a time like this. We need to call someone", Peyton said. She grabbed her phone and called someone.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"We've run out of eggs", Peyton said. The person on the phone hung up. "Hello? Hello? Police lady? Damn it!"

"Peyton", Thor said.

"What are we going to do? The stores are closed at a time like this", Peyton said.

"Why?" Regina asked.

"I don't know".

"How do you not know, Peyton? You're from this planet and this city",Loki said.

"I've spent 8 years in China, 15 years in Kamar-Taj, 2 years in the Sanctum of New York, 5 years snapped out of existence and I've spent...months with you guys, but it's nice to assume I know everything", Peyton said.

"Okay. Calm down, Peyton. We'll find another way", Regina said.

"How?" Peyton asked.

Thor, Regina, Loki and Peyton heard the sound of a chicken's clucking. They saw Hudson, holding a chicken.

"Hudson, my boy, why are you carrying a chicken?" Loki asked.

"Mama said you might need some help. I thought I'd bring Karen in case you ran out of eggs", Hudson said.

The four adults looked at the five year old in shock. "You're a genius. We don't have to worry", Peyton said.


Zephrine looked out the window. She was lost in thought. Lavinia did her hair. "I'm nervous, Lavinia", Zephrine said.

"It's alright. Everyone gets nervous. When I got married to Heimdall, I was nervous as hell. It's natural", Lavinia said.

"Yeah. Don't worry, Zeph. The wedding is going to be beautiful",Bella said. "Is it just me or is anyone else craving for a cream cheese bagel?" Lavinia and Zephrine looked at her. Bella nodded and walked out of the room.

When Bella got to the kitchen, Hudson and Karen ran past her. "Karen, come back!" Hudson shouted.

"What the hell?" Bella asked.

"Isa, give us a hand", Regina said.

Bella grabbed the chicken, using her powers. "I leave you lots alone for...it hasn't even been 10 minutes", Bella said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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