Adventures in Babysitting Pt.3

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Everyone sighed in relief. "Now what, Nic? We don't know the city. How will we find the police?" Bella asked.

"I don't know. Let me think", Nicole said. There was a moment of silence. "What's the fastest way to get to the police station?" Bella looks at her map.

"Go past a place called Hotshot bar and the train station will be across the street", Bella said.

"Alright. Let's get there, then", Nicole said.


Nicole had been driving for a while. Bella pulls out a camera. "Where'd you get a camera?" Nicole asked. Bella didn't answer. "Please don't say it's from that shop".

"Okay. It's not not from that shop",Bella said.

"Bella!" Nicole shouted. "What the hell?"

"It's fine. They're criminals", Bella said. "I wanna take a picture of you in a crisis. Say cheese".

"Bella, you're the reason we're in this mess! We wouldn't be getting chased by deadly criminals if you didn't steal a worthless camera or lie to Tony!"

Bella shrugged her shoulders. "I'll pretend that didn't hurt my feelings. Not only am I known as a Destroyer of Worlds, I'm also known as 'the person that ruined everyone's night. Now say cheese, Nikki", Bella said and snaps a picture of Nicole.

Nicole sighed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go off like that", She said.

Bella looked at the picture. "It's fine, but it's also not. I don't want children. I want to be free to do what I want, but everyday, I get closer to wanting them. I can't keep up that responsibility. It's not who I am".

"It's not like you're giving up your you time, Bella. You can still live on the Wildside", Nicole said.

"Wildside? Of what, Babysitting and changing diapers? Or less sleep and doing math?" Bella asked.

Before Nicole could answer, the car sputters. "No, no, no. Damn it!" Nicole shouted. The car stopped.

Hudson and Peter woke up. "Why are we stopping?" Hudson asked.

Bella looked back at Hudson. "Hey bud. Sorry if we woke you up. I'm sorry, the car stopped. We might need to call a tow truck", she said.

"Wait. How far are we?" Nicole asked.

"2 minutes away", Bella said.

"Alright, everyone out of the car. Peter, MJ, grabbed the younger ones",Nicole said.

Everyone got out of the car. They walked towards the train station. "Auntie Bella?" Hudson asked.

"Yes, Hudson?" Bella asked.

"Will we get back home alive?" Hudson asked.

"Of course, we will. The night's not over yet", Bella said.


Everyone turned around to see the two criminals. "Run!" Bella shouted. She, Nicole and the children ran away from the two criminals. They ran into a building.

"Let's go", Nicole said.

They ran farther into the building. They heard a noise from behind the curtain. They went behind the curtains, but ended up on stage as a concert was about to end.

Everyone, including the band members, looked at the group. "Uh...Hi. Sorry to interrupt. We'll be on our way", Bella said.

"Oh, hold on! You ain't leavin till we get the fact", The lead singer said into his microphone. Everyone shouted in agreement.

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