🕸🕷Here's what happened...🕸🕷

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The Avengers didn't want Peter to face the judge by himself. Today, was Peter's and Quintin Beck's trial. Bella walked into Peter's room. Peter had a room here at the Avengers compound. Peter wasn't in it much. He was usually at home with his aunt.

Bella chuckled as she watched Peter fix his suit and tie as he looks in the mirror. Peter turned around to look at her.

"What?" Peter asked.

"You look like a grown man", Bella said. She walked towards him. "Let me fix your tie". Bella undid the crooked tie and redid it.

"I'm worried about this", Peter said.

"Sweetie, It will all be over soon. Remember, whatever happens today, you're not in trouble. They know Beck is guilty. All you need to do is tell them the truth so they can decide that bastard's fate", Bella said.

"I mean, I'm worried about you", Peter said. Bella glanced at Peter before she looks back at the tie. "What did he do to you?"

"Nothing", Bella lied.

"He tortured you, didn't he? That's why you're so afraid of him", Peter said.

"Your friend already established this. I have the heart of a stubborn lion. Whatever the hell that means, but I think it means I don't get scared", Bella said.

"Don't be a coward, Bella", Peter said. Bella had finished the tie. She looks at Peter in shock. "What did he say to you?"

"Nothing that was true", Bella said as she forced a smile.

"You don't mean that. I know you. He said something to you and deep down inside, you're wondering if it's true".

"You don't know what I did. After you, Pietro, Wanda, Nicole, Jean, T'challa, Sam and Bucky were wiped from existence for 5 years", Bella said. "What if he's right? You spent your life knowing who you are, but not me. Who am I? What am I?"

"What did he call you?" Peter asked.

Bella sighed and held back tears. "Something that...that might be true. He called me...he...he..."

Peter pulled her into a hug. Bella sniffles. "I'm supposed to be taking care of you", Bella said.

"We can take care of each other", Peter said. "Are you ever going to tell me?"

"Today. I don't know when, but it'll be today. Just give me time. Perhaps I'll talk about it in court".

"Bella?" Peter asked. "What do you think my parents would say, if they were here?"

"Well, I don't know. I've never met them. But my guess is that your dad would walk up to Beck and punch him in the face and your mom would stand by you and hug you and she's relieved that you're alright", Bella said.

"Thank you", Peter said.

"For what?"

"For being there to look out for me".

Bella smiled at Peter. She kissed his head. "After today, you won't hear from Beck ever again", Bella said.


The Avengers were seated in the courtroom with the judge, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Sharon Carter, Everett Ross and Secretary Ross.

They knew Peter was innocent. Quintin Beck, standing in front of the jury was proof that Mysterio was a liar. Now it was time for them to here the real story.

"Are you sure you want him in the room?" Ross asked Bella, Lavinia and Peter.

Lavinia was wearing a black coat, black pants and high heels. Bella wore a white long sleeve shirt with a black vest, a black skirt, dark green pants and her black and green boots.

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