🕑🔃Time Loop➰➿

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(I got this idea from this episode of Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D season 7. I thought it'd be interesting to see the Avengers in a time loop)

Bella woke up in her bed after a mission. She checks the time. 3:45 PM. Bella gets out of bed. She went to the common room. Everyone except Tony and Bruce were in the room. Jean came into the room.

"What're you guys watching?" Bella asked.

"A strange show called Vampire Diaries. It's pretty interesting", Natasha said.

Suddenly, the TV statics. Everyone groans in frustration. Bruce ran into the room. "Hey Guys, uh, the satellite is down. TV's gonna be out for a while", Bruce said.

"Actually, the problem is our antenna is broken", Tony said. Pietro zoomed out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Lavinia asked.

Pietro zoomed back into the room. "I'm gonna go fix a satellite", Pietro said and zoomed out of the room.

"Antennae!" Bruce called out after him.

"Come on, Banner. We got a machine to fix and I don't want Thor to come into the lab and break it", Tony said. He and Bruce walked out of the room.

"He wouldn't do that, Tony", Peyton said.

"I'm gonna go get some fresh air",Bucky said. He walked towards the door. He opened the door. A snake flew towards him.

"Bucky!" Zephrine shouted. She, Bella, Jean and Steve ran towards him. They helped him get onto the couch.

"I'm fine", Bucky said.

"No, you are not, Babe. You were just bitten by a snake", Zephrine said.

"Where's the first aid kit?" Bella asked.

"In the lab, on Dad's desk", Zephrine said. Bella ran out of the room.

When she got to the lab, she ran inside and accidentally knocked into Tony. His machine fell to the floor and broke.

"Tony. I am so sorry. I just came in here to get the aid kit and now- Oh god. I'm such a klutz", Bella said.

"I-It's fine. At least it wasn't your Uncle. I'll get the aid kit", Tony said. He walked towards his desk to grab the aid kit. "No worries. It's in two pieces instead of many tiny pieces so it'll be able to snap back on".

But Bella wasn't paying attention. She noticed the machine was making a weird noise.

"Tony? Should we be-"


Bella woke up in her bed after a mission. She checks the time. 3:45 PM. Bella gets out of bed. She went to the common room. Everyone except Tony and Bruce were in the room. Jean came into the room. They looked at each other in confusion.

"Something's up", Jean said.

"Agreed", Bella said.

They looked at the Avengers. "W-What're you-What're you guys watching?"Bella asked.

"A strange show called Vampire Diaries. It's pretty interesting", Natasha said. Bella and Jean looked at each other.

Suddenly, the TV statics. Everyone groans in frustration. Bruce ran into the room. "Hey Guys, uh, the satellite is down. TV's gonna be out for a while", Bruce said.

"Actually, the problem is our antenna is broken", Tony said. Pietro zoomed out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Lavinia asked.

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