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Jeongyeon's POV

Now, I didn't even know what I'm supposed to do, I can't even focused on my class my professor called me and even shouted me for being out of place, my body my yes is focused to our professor but if it comes to mind, not anymore.

What should I do if the only thing bothering me is seeing someone last time.

Making all my memories with her coming back again, keep on flashing it back.

How can I concentrate to my works, to this study when I only thought is her.

How I can make this two semesters done if my mind keep tginking only her, heR, hER, HER!

"Unnie, are you okay?" Nako said snapping her fingers in front of my eyes making me back to reality, also cutting all of my thoughts.

We're walking at the street now our classes is done early, we're a late night walks. Because we're from restaurant she treated me and I promised her I'll treat her soon if they give me the company's earned.

"Yeah, I'm okay, why?"

"Because I've been talking here a lot, for about an hour but I notice you being out of your body"

"Uh...that is because something bothering me"

"You're free to tell me whatever you want" she said but still I didn't answer her or even say thank you for that.

"Uh, mianhe, I understand, maybe you're not ready for it from now, but cheer up" she said.

"Thank you..."



"You're getting improving to speaking Japanese huh also understanding it well"

"Really? Thank you because you're teaching me"

"No problem..." she said and we stopped after that she went inside their house and said be careful on walking street now because there are one street I must walk before I got into my apartment.

I'm already inside and my mind still messy for thinking about that Im fckng Nayeon!

Gotta tell this to Jihyo, so I called her.

"Hi my friend" she said as she picked up the call.

"Eww..." I said, for sure she's pouting now.

"So why you're calling me by this time?" she said coldly.

"Wow, I've never expected that thing to you, you already knew how to mood swings?"

"Shatap, and tell what you're going to tell me"

"Uh...this is about last day"

"Last day? Why?"

"At convenient store"

"Convenient store?"

"You btch! Please be normal this is serious thing!"

"Okay, malgayo"

"About that, I notice myself starting thinking about her so what should I do now?"

"I don't know, am I expert of that?"

"Another one time, Jihyo I'll peel off your skin!"

"Just kidding!"

"Help me"

"You said last time when we're having some call, right? That you're not letting yourself see her again for sure you haven't done it yet then now you're being problematic because your mind keep on thinking about her? Seriously?"

"But you know how much I love her, right?"

"You mean you still love her?"

"A bit..."

"A bit?" she repeated ny words again. "Just a bit? You meant it already? Are you sure?"

"Yeah, a bit"

"But Jeong if you'll going to asked me, I can see it on your eyes that you love her so much, as much as how you love her since then...I understand you..."

"Jihyo, please help me, I actually didn't know how to do this but I was just stupid idiot right now, I know it's different now because everything changed as well in the past 3 years"

"You're still a fragile that's what I can say from now on"

"Stop that! I'm serious"

"Malgayo, but last question, do you still love her?"

"Uhm..." I made a pause for about a couple minutes "Yes..." I said finally...

I think that make Jihyo shocked because she have no response yet after I say those words....

Hai sorry for updating this chapter very long, this is short because I need to rush this I hope you guys would understand why.

I need to rush this to publish another 2yeon fanfic, for me rushing this is the way to keep focused on that another fanfic, but don't worry guys I think it will be more better than this. Stay tuned on it.

I feel like...this book 2 getting more boring, sorry for that because I actually can't get some idea of how this book 2 will going on, but still I hope someone will gonna love this like book 1

Keep safe

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