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Jeongyeon's POV

I don't know what I'll going to do but my mind was in a big mess, still, I didn't know if I'll going to go at Japan.  Since, I've been stucking between staying or left them behind again.

It's been a very long era if I made done studying there, like then before. I feel anxious and exhausted for having a big decision right now, what if there's a several times I thought, that I will forget about her but then it all ended up of having a very very very big mess, to the point I will fall in love again?

Fck this sht problem, I admit it, yes, I still love her even tho she hurted me in that past, but yet I still didn't move on. Sometimes, I wondered too, is she already forgot about me? Do I remain as her past? As her history? I was that idiot who wanted to see her again. But for my sake why do my family choose to found me a school where do I learn a lot of things about business, yes, they've been doing that for my future but I was just a stubborn sht who doesn't appreciate it.

Well, people says, nothing will be gone if you try. I decided finally!

I will go to Japan and study also forget her, I'm willing to clown myself if I can't forget her.

Maybe, I need some space and learn how to be alone and also learn everything about life. Guess what? Everything I knew is not enough for me to stay alive in this world. Maybe, smiles is not enough to express how happy the person is.

Gotta go tell this to Seungyeon unnie, if she got the at home...I stopped my car and parking it in the garage.

"Yah! Jeongyeon, you're here already" mom exclaimed when I went out of my car.

"Hi mom!"

"Where you from? I checked your room earlier but you're not here, I became worried"

"I had a met with Jihyo at cafe"

"Oh, really? I miss her, I haven't see your friend years ago"

"You'll see her again mom once I got into Japan"

"So, it means..."


"Lemme guess, you ask her for advice"

"Yes, exactly, cause I didn't decide properly"

"Tsk, why does it have to be her? Eh, I'm here"

"My mom became jealous to my friend huh, something new"

"Just kidding, sweetie but that's good enough, I'm proud for you" she said then cups my cheeks and hug me again, while I just chuckled on what she did.

After all, we went inside and do so many things, like talking about something or anything. Sharing some thoughts and news around the world. Something weird but we're like besties who's too close to each other.

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Sorry for having a short chapter for today, hope you gays will still support this also I will publish 2yeon fanfic SOON, when I finally publish another 2yeon story I will publish also JinJoo's fanfic (IZ*ONE's Yujin and Minju/Minjoo)

Thanks for reading, chinguuu!
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