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Jeongyeon's POV

"Let's go to the rooftop? Let's see the moon nearly" she said and we go.

Some minutes of watching moon from the dark sky, Nayeon took at peek behind me, and said hi, I become confused and peek behind me too and then I saw a girl a very cute girl, she's hugging her doll Nayeon kneel down to her and talk.

"Kkura!" Nayeon exclaimed.

"Hii!" a girl said waving her hands to Nayeon. Then there's me confusedly watching them. Until I also kneel down because Nayeon ordered.

"Who is she?" Kkura asked.

"Uh, she? She's my girl...remember when you seen me here crying? It's because of her" Nayeon said then I look at her giving her a death glares, she also look at me, eyes to eye, but in a single second and went back her glance to a little girl, instead of being mad because of what she said to this lil, my heart was about to melt because what's new I'm always be that weak when it comes to her. Like I wanna love her until the end of my life, until the period of this line come, until my last breath, blink, smiles, laugh and more.

"Yah! Jeongyeon, Kkura making friends with you"

"Oh, h-hi" I gladly said after she slapped my shoulder.

"You're so cute, you know, you're parents will be lucky of having you" I added.

"Uh! It's been one year when she told me that, you have a same vibes with her. You're really fit to her, I'm happy because rabbit unnie got what she want, the way she talked to me one year ago I think it's all about you, I hope you'll take care of rabbit unnie" Kkura said, did she said rabbit unnie to Nayeon? That was a cute thing I've ever heard from her and when she think is so mature as a kid like 6 or 7 years old.

"I'm sorry if I called you rabbit unnie, because I forgot your name and I decided to give you a nickname which is rabbit unnie because of your bunny teeth"

"It's okay, she's my rabbit by the way" I said.

"Pab--" I cutted Nayeon's words by just covering her mouth.

"HAHA you guys are so cute" Kkura said making us embarrassed in front of her and suddenly her parents come after that she waved her hands to us. We also stand up and watch moon again.

I shocked when Nayeon lean her head to my shoulder. Suddenly the mood changes.



"Sorry for everything..."

"Why? You did nothing, so why you're saying sorry right now?"

"Not because of today but in the pas--"

"Nayeon, I already told you this a million of times, past is past let's just moved on from that thing, the important is today, this time, right now, and no matter how big the mistakes you're going to give me I'm always forgive you, because I know and love you so much, period" I said and she give me a tight hugwhile smiling I also hug her back. I think she already understand it.

BOOK 2: TOGETHER Where stories live. Discover now