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Nayeon's POV

I wake up as my alarm went on ringing and never stop, I set it at time 5:30am in the morning.

I went downstairs just to drink water and pee, but after drinking water I heard a sob again. I went there where I heard that sobs and then there's aunt again crying.

"Ahm...aunt why are you crying again?"

"T-this time, 5:30am I got a call from his friend saying he's in hospital with a critical condition...I wake as I heard your alarm and then cried remembering how hurtful that day for me..." she then continued to sobs again. Maybe, she knew what time right now because the clock I brought is the clock saying what time I set.

"This will be the last day of his funeral, right?"


"Aunt, please get up and think that he will be happy in heaven now, oppa is a good person, he has a good personality, aunt, you're lucly because you had him..."

"But Nayeon, time was too selfish, I can't even tell him everything I wanted to tell him, he can't even hear my voice at the hospital..."

"I understand you...aunt...I understand you..." I said hugging her again.

Author's POV

Before Nayeon's cousin died from car accident, here's the story...

He went to work over the time, just to help his mom. He's with his friend when he drove back to his home but suddenly there's a car who crossing their way.

Which had a very high impact to his car, everything was destroyed but his car has the most.

His another friend knew about the accident, when ambulance found a number of him.

Then the friend of him that mbulance called to come there, called Nayeon's aunt to know what happen.

Nayeon's aunt rushing herself going to hospital as she get a called from her child's friend.

As soon as she arrived there her son was already inside the emergency room, where operation doing.

After some minutes of waiting the doctor came out and said, her son was in critical condition also his friend who's with him before ethat accident.

A nurse running toward there direction and said about tge patient condition, this will be the hardest thing for Nayeon's aunt which she received a bad news from nurse.

A nurse said the patients was hovering between life and ewath right now which needing the doctor and then they back to emergency room to operate again.

Some hours after, the operation...

Is failed...

That making her aunt cry even more.

Nayeon's POV

"Nayeon-ah!" mom said.

"Yes mom?"

"Your aunt, what's happening to her right now?"

"She still sobbing everytime she remembered oppa"

"Please...take care of her all time..."

"I will mom..."

"I'll hanging up now, I need to work, also take care of yourself there"

"Sure, byeee" she then hang up the call.

I put my phone at the table and about to search for my wallet, because I need to buy some food now for us.

But my phone lights up and ring before I turned my back.

It's Jihyo calling me...

"Why?" I said with a cold voice, shut your mouth up it was just an acting hehe.

"Are you free today? Let's hang up, it's my trea--" she was cutted off when I say.

"Jihyo, I'm not there at Korea"

"W-What? Did I hear wrong or nah??"

"You're hearing right"

"Eh? Where are you?"


"WTF?" she said on the phone, whispering covering her mouth, it was too obvious if you're hearing her at the other line.

"What the fck? Why? You seemed so shock huh"

"Uh...no I mean...why you didn't tell me about that?" she made a pause.

"You didn't even inform me you're going to Japan too..." she added.

"Huh? Did you just said the word 'Too'?"

"Oh fck...sht" now she's doing it again obviously covering her mouth again. For sure she's biting it right now.



"You looks so weird today, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay..."

"Eh? Why are you like that? You were just talking to me on phone but you obviously frenetic with your words, are still okay with all of that?"

"Yes, I was just...getting nervous right now..."

"Don't be nervous tho,  you idiot"

"I-I should hang up now...here she is..." sge said making me confused who's that 'she' she was talking about.

I about to asked her who is it but, I didn't have a chance to, because my phone vibrate as fck signs that she already hang up. She looks so weird today, I think there's something to her that she can't tell me. Aish.

jihyo's POV


I bite my lower lips as hang up the call, wtf is happening right now?

No, no. Jeongyeon trying to moved on from Nayeon that's why she go to Japan nd accept the offer of her sister.

Then now? Nayeon is there also...I still don't know the reason why, but one thing I feeling nervous for is...what if the two meet there at Japan?

I know Nayeon has the only relative there which is her aunt and that was the only place where Nayeon can stay for a while if she will go there.

And her aunt living in Osaka (?) I'm not sure because it's been a decade when Nayeon tell that thing to me, and there's Jeongyeon at Osaka too where's she's studying.

What a poor couple huhu...

Aish, I feel worried to their sake, universe was too playful as fck.

Now Nayeon think that I'm weird huhu... :(

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