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Jeongyeon's POV

As what I expected she'll leave me alone again like what happened 3 years ago...

The food I prepare for her breakfast is all useless to let her stay here for a while and have a beautiful breakfast with her.

I really want to talk to her after I heard her words last night, I just wanted her to give a chance to xplain her sides and explain mine too by just having this breakfast but I failed.

I ate it alone because some hours left I'll be late for my class, my professor might scold me again.

I started to get up my uniforms and ready to take a bath and see Nako at the next street.

"Good morning unnie!" she said cutely as she revealed her self behind the street pole.

"Annyeong!" I greeted her too with a smile.

"You said you already done studying about business so why did you study aJapanhere in Japan? I'm just confused by the way, because you haven't tell me why yet"

"You seemed so confused huh? Like you thinked about it since yesterday"

"Maybe? HAHA by the way, why?"

"About that my unnie wanted me to sent here at Japan for something and she wanted me to study a lot about business like how to separate my personal life from my works"

"Uh...what that something means?"

"It's about the girl..."

"Sorry to her it"

"No, it's okay, you're my friends already"

"Thank you but I hope you'll be well soon, you looks so exhausted and frustrated at the same time whenever I see you"

"Thanks for that"

"I'll going to go to my 1st class unnie, see you later!"

"See you too" I said and we separated our ways to our first classes. We've didn't notice it that we're already at University or I just the one who didn't notice it HAHA.

Anyways, as what you expected another boring classes again because our professor for today is actually talkative and forget he had a class and didn't discuss what he need to discuss, to the point you really wanted to sleep rather than wait for lunch break.

Nako is my friend too, we always been together to go to school and to go back home, we have the same class schedule which is our second class after the lunch break.

Can't wait to see her and have fun learning something new with her.

Finally, the class ended as what I wished since I stepped in inside this room. The class actually last for about 1 hour and half but it feels like it last for 10,000 years before it ended.

We both headed to cafeteria as well and eat our lunch too...later Seungyeon unnie will giving me a money by transferring it to my credit card, I wanna escape this problems first by trying to be happy with Nako.

"Unnie you want one?" she asked me while she's munching fuve pieces of popcorn inside her mouth, I picked some while we're walking at the hallway towards our locker.

"You should place that books to your bag, professor Min will search that book later"

"Did he said it yesterday?"

"Last week"

"Oh is this for project or something?"

"I don't know he said bring that book at his class next week, he said it last week"

"Oh okay, thanks for telling it to me"

"No problem...it's actually obvious..."


"I used to tell it to you, about that book, you might scolded by professor Min again if I didn't do that...plus I noticed it you've been daydreaming every classes..."

"You mean you saved me from that?"

"Maybe...but for me it's just a help"

"Oh god, thanks!"

"The bell was about to ring for about 3 minutes" she said looking at her watch.


"Yup, let's go?" she said and I close my locker and we rushed our self a bit just to went to our second class at the exact time, since the room was in the second floor.

I sitted besides the window while at my right side Nako sitted besides me. And after some minutes professor Min entered the room, again, I would like to choose to sleep rather than seriously hearing the discussion.


I yawned and I know some seconds after I will fall asleep but I used to control myself to not get sleep here at the class, he might caught me, but this is not actually me, you know, if it comes to discussion I can easily bored about that but when it comes to something not.

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