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Nayeon's POV

I was about to go to my bed and let myself fell asleep but as hell I can't sleep early because it's already 6:48pm here and how can I sleep for this early.

I did something that can help me falling asleep but as fck, I just spenting about a minutes yet I can't fell asleep.

It's already 7:23pm when my phone suddenly lights up and ring for calls, this is Jihyo again calling me.


"Emergency..." wait did she just said the word emergency? Then who the hell and what the hell is happening?

"Huh? Emergency?"

"Yup as what you heard..."

"Wait can you tell me what is it?"

"This is about Jeongyeon" wHAT THE FCK!

"Seriously, Jihyo? Emergency about her is what you need to te--"

"She's drunk and crying when I call her lately do you think it's impossible she's going to commit suicide?!"

"Of course, yes, because she'll never waste her life just for a girl who hurt her 3 years ago!" I almost shouted as I answer her.

"Nayeon! I know this is all my fault too and now I'm trying to be responsible on solving this sht! If I know it at the very first already, then I wouldn't introduce you to her, If I can control the time then I'll do that! And never beg your help! You know what? She's the first one to become my friend ever since childhood but then you come! I almost threat her as my sister to, as much as possible we're protecting each other. Then now I need your help but you always be that stupid to not do that, do you think there's someone who will gonna stop her now? Who will comfort her? She's already drunk and crying alone! For me this is the best thing to beg you some help to stop her on drinking because she's stubborn and never listen to me if I'll going to call her and stop her. I'm not there at her sides but I wanted to save her from sadness, if I can go there then I go there! If you or even her! Are suffering from this shtty problem then I'll be the most, do you ever think having a both friends like the both of you like that? Is easy to understand? I will go there and listen there then go here to listen here, I wanted to give up to but for your love story which I think can revive I choose to do this..." She said almost crying too, she always making me realize everything with her words, I cutted her by just hanging up the call and get what I need and ready to go at the apartment.

While riding at the cab I suddenly feel my eyes being watery, I then blink many times to not let it fall.

When I finally came and arrive there, I didn't hesitate to go inside and immediately find Jeongyeon, I take a look at sala but there's no shadow of her can be found.

Some minutes after I heard something fall down to ground and cracked, the glass broke after that I heard a sobs and I immediately go to kitchen where I found Jeongyeon, crying covering her face with her left hand while the right hand of her holding a bottle of alcoholic drink.

You'll see the broken glasses laying down the floor. The tears I manage to hold back while I'm on a cab is now falling down to my cheeks after seeing her.

She slowly turn her head looking at me with her eyes full of tears like it didn't even get tired of tearing up.

"You..." she said with a low voice.

"Get out!" she shouted.

"I said get out!"

"But I wanted to help yo--" I as cutted when she throw another glass to floor that is actually broke again. Making me step backward.

"I don't need your help! Leave me alone! Don't ever try to calm me down or else! I don't need someone's help especially from you! After 3 years you'll go there coming back to me? Seriously? While I'm trying hard to forget you! I don't really like you! You stupid!" suddenly the kitchen become dark the topic changed everything change like from pretty good to a dark one.

"It just 3 years ago but the pain you left and gave me will never fade away..." her words is like stabbing me from the back.

"I really hate that day when I started to remember everything, maybe, I already died when I started committing suicide and no one stop me from doing that, you know what I was just an idiot who loving someone but too blurry to be mine and be my forever, I wanna spent the rest of my life with the person whom I love, that's what I thought at the first...funny if you think how I threatened you as my girl even tho we don't have any relationship not until one day I wanted to confess this sht but ended up of hurting myself at the corner hugging my knees while sitting there, the most painful and unforgettable memories of my life is that thing. But the worst part of it, that someone doesn't have any officious to me like didn't even wondering what's happening to me, what's going on while she was just there and doing what her mom want. I'm tired already, like no one understands me, no one are willing to listen to me, no one wanted to hear my side, no one is interested, everyone slowly leaving me, I wish I wouldn't see and met you if that will happen maybe I'm not like this right now!" she said and started to sob so loud making me cry too and hurt what my eyes being see.

I decided to wait her to calm down which she didn't try to do, when the room become quiet I approached her grabbing some blanket of her from her room because she's already sleeping with her head already leaning on the table. I put it at her back and started to clean the messy room.

After some minutes of cleaning I sit beside her, I parted her hair putting it behind her ear to not covered her face, I just staring at her when a lot of thoughts coming to my mind.

"Sorry...for everything I've done to you years ago, there's a lot times who has a bigger chance to explain my sides but I wasted it several times...I'm also stupid ass too like I didn't even make you know what really my side feel. 1000 pluss days is passed away but didn't even tell you the truth...I'm sorry, I wasted that days instead of getting chance to s0ent it with you..."

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