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Jeongyeon's POV

It's already 1 year since we got married, I'm thankful I've been belong to a great one. I love her and she love me, then we realize how this love story goes on, how everything goes well. No matter how hard the day comes with us, we always knew that we love each other.

"Love, the airplane already landed" she said as she tapping my shoulder, I realize I've been sleeping the whole time, we're now here, finally, at Japan we decided to have a vacation here since our 1st anniversary is nearly.

- - -

"Jeongyeon-ah, what do you think?"Nayeon asked while we're walking at the street.

"Uhm...you know what? I remembered everything what happened here in Japan, this is actually my dream place to have a vacation with my family and my love ones but it all ended up of studying here, funny whenever I talked about that thing"

"Yah, this place will remain to us as a marked place of pain"

"Why pain?"

"Imagine, I didn't know you're also here to then one day I tried to left you but all parts of my body didn't want to"

"Pabo, let's just eat street foods there"

"Yah, is that a convenient store where did we bumped into each other?"

"You know what, I'm already hungry, treat me now, by the way, I like this one and this uh! And also this one wait...this one too then this!" I said and she slapped my shoulder.

"Yah! You almost choose all of foods there!"

"Just kidding"

"Can we go to coffee shop after this? I want to taste one" she said.


"This is the payment, thank you" I said giving it to a vendor.

"Wait, I'll get a cab" she said and waving her hands to stop the cab in front of us.

"Where you going ma'am?" the driver said looking at his back, to us.

"Oh what a coincidence, are you guys officially married now?" the driver said, yah! I knew it! He's the driver who took us to my apartment when Nayeon is drunk.

"Did you knew him?" Nayeon confusedly asked.

"Yah, he's the driver who took us to my apartment year ago, when you was drunk, we did a talked while he's driving" I answered.

"Oh, I'm glad I met you and thanks" Nayeon said.

"By the way, take us to fancy cafe" I said.

"Sure" the driver said.

"Wait, that's too fancy huh" Nayeon said.

"It's okay"


"Thanks!" I said to a driver.

"No problem, have a good day with your love ones" he answered. And then he leave us in front of fancy cafe.

We went inside the cafe and ordered. While we're sitting nearly to window, Nayeon suddenly speak up.

"I wondered what happened when that driver took us to your apartment, I feel embarrassed because I think I look like an ass that time eh I was drunk right?"

"Yeah, you're right you look like an ass until now actually"

"Yah! You're teasing me again?"

"No, because I'm loving you"

"You're so corny, pabo"

"You're corny too, pabo"

"Anyways, what you want every night? Like are you prefer to watch horror movies or something?"

"Is that a non-sense question again?"

"No, I'm serious"

"Something, I'm watching horror movies whenever I can't sleep at night"

"Wanna walk later? Let's have a late night walk"

"Yeah yeah sure"

- - -

Nayeon's POV

"Yah! Nayeon-ah, I can't walk, my feet hurt"

"Pabo, you're just sensitive, I want to walk all the streets here"


"Just kidding of course"

"Can we just stop for a while?"


"Can you see that moon?"

"Yup, because I have my eyes"

"Pabo!" she said giving me a slapped in my head.

Since I accidentally publish this, while I didn't finish making this chapter, the next chapter will be the continuation....

Mianhe :(

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