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Jeongyeon's POV

Since, I didn't knew where she's stay while she's here at Japan and I don't have any idea why she went here and that fcki g convenient store I remembered again. I pissed off!

I entered my apartment and open the lights still carrying Nayeon with her arms wrapped around my neck and she's snoring literally, like she's on a deep sleep.

I let her lay to my bed and was about to leave her there after getting some clothes of her because she smell something you didn't like to smell too.

I putted the cloth beside her maybe she wake up and see that then she would cjange her clothes, she might didn't want to smell herself too.

I was about to leave her, exactly when I almost open the door widely she saying something but in a whispering way of it.

I can only hear my name, is she calling me? But I can't totally hear it clearly.

I approached her to hear what she mean clearly but then I realize she's talking something or maybe she was just dreaming. I stand up and decided to leave her because I thought she was just dreaming something after some 3 step towards the door I stopped when she said...

"Jeongyeon..." she called me by my name not Miss Yoo anymore, finally, but when it comes to that wprd I immediately stop stepping forward, making me freeze in one place.

"S-sorry because I left you 3 years ago...and it was too bad because I hurted you before I left" she said, I look at her with her eyes still close, I can't figure it out if she was just dreaming of me or she knew it that she's with me tonight.

I approached the moment that I wanted to cry after hearing those words coming out from her mouth.

"I still love you...until now if you don't know how much, why do I can't have a chance to explain everything...making things clear up" she said again, finally my biggest fear let out of my soul, I heard her saying those words, I let a big tear drop from my eyes letting it flow down to my cheeks while looking to the girl who's totally drunk, sleeping at my bed and the important person of my life. My love one...

I approached her once again because she's about to vomit, I immediately grab her and go to bathroom, luckily she did it.

After some couple minutes of vomitting at the bathroom, I grab her again and lay her back to bed but ended up of...













While I'm laying her to my bed, my right hand grabbing her waist while the left holding her arms wrapping around my neck.

To the point I was about to place her at bed but her arm which is wrapped to my neck was loosen, that's why she fell down to my bed with her body half lay on it, my right hand still grabbing her waist, that's why when he fell down to my bed it pinned from her back and we did an accidental kiss...

An accident kiss...

Literally a kiss...

No, this is wrong...

W-we kissed...

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