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Jeongyeon's POV

I filling some tea at my glass, since it was saturday today, I think this decision to go here at Japan is wrong?

I was just wasting my time on studying but don't even know how to speak in Japanese just to communicate with other people here.

Nevermind, good thing I did knew and met Nako yesterday, she's my new and first friend ere in Japan she even teach me how to speak Japanese too.

She's short but cute at the same time, the way she talk to me is like we're sisters.

After filling the tea in my glass I started to change ny clothes and find my bag, I need to but some food, I haven't enough stuck there at the cabinet or refrigerator.

I commuted a cab since the convenient store was far away from my apartment, there's also a convenient store there near at my apartment but it's not completed.

As soon as the cab arrived there I went out and pay the driver.

I started to look for my food that I wanted to eat today, there's a lot, like chocolates, chew and more here at the first section or row.

I went to second row and see some noodles, I've been spenting some couple hours there looking for the food I want.

After some minutes I found one yey! Congrats me for this...

After paying at the counter I stayed there for a while just to eat it, and decided to post it on my instagram account.


Liked by J_park, Seung__ and 48 others

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Liked by J_park, Seung__ and 48 others

jeongieee_y   my breakfast...nam...

J_park yah! i think that's too much

Seung__  oh, please be choke

jeongieee_y you two are idiots huhu

"WTF? is happening to them, aish,  Was just post it because I wanted them to know what's happening to me, in short it means as update for them" I said whispering like a crazy one inside the store.

I continue to eat my food and after that I put it into the trash after eating, and buy a water there then pay again.

I was about to leave the store now while putting my wallet inside my bag but then I fell down, I'm too stupid bumping to someone.

I stand without her help, it obviously she's a girl because she used heels and what she did the whole time is standing there in front of me and watching me the time after falling into the ground.

I look up to that girl and was about to say sorry, not just me but also her was about to say sorry.

But it all ended up of having an eye contact to each other.


No! What a fcking joke is this? Seriously? I saw her here in Japan, eh? My real intentions is to forget her.

I blinked three time and biwed at her then passed away.

Am I be that rude? I mean is that too much? That I passed her away and leave her at the same spot like there's nothing else happened after some couple minutes.

As soon as I went out the convenient store, I feel like I have a wide air to breathe for.

"What a fcking scene is that" I said feeling hot and uses my hand as a fan, I'm now looking for the cab again to grab me back to my fcking apartment and rest afterwards.

I think I started hating convenient stores now, just kidding, I can't eat food if I hate convenient store huhu.

- - -

I let myself lay at my bed and look at my empty ceiling.

All I wanted is to forget about her!!! Why do universe is like that! I hate it, even world can't give me a place to rest and forget about her.


I wanted to sleep for a while now just to forget all...

Sorry for having short chapter hehe...

I'll publishing another 2yeon fanfic maybe tomorrow or soon, please look forward to it, thanks for supporting me!

Keep safe!

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