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Jeongyeon's POV

I wake up as the light of sun appeared in my face, I don't think so if it's weird but I love it whenever sun is like waking me up every morning.

Since, I'm already awake I texted Jihyo...

Jihyo-ssi! Are you free today?

Yeah, why?

Can we meet?

Is that a date?

PABO! don't be assuming, I had to tell you something tho.


I started to get ready as she chatted back 'fine'. Well, we always wait each other at cafe. In short, cafe is the only place where we always meet if we need to talk.

As soon as I arrived there I saw Jihyo already inside sitting at the empty table, guessed what, she's waiting me.

"Yah! You're so early huh" she said as I sit in front of her.


"So, what is it?"

"I need your help"

"Sure, I'm always in, what kind of help by the way?"

"Help me to decide"


"Seungyeon unnie, wanted me to study at Japan, and my family agreed with her decision"

"So it means if you'll going to accept it, you'll go at Japan?"

"Of course, but I badly need your advice, if I'll going to accept it then I think it will become more hard for me to study there, eh, I already done studying about business, but Seungyeon unnie said it will help me to balance everything, and more"

"But it was your chance to go there, ever since you already told me that you wanted to go at Japan..."

"But not in that way, I said if I had a chance to go there for vacation only"

"Aren't you? I swear it's good for you, since, your dream will come true to visit Japan plus you will having a time there to study then the rest time you can enjoy yourself roaming there"

"But the worst part of it is..."


"They knew, no, I mean they noticed it that I still love her"


"Yah! Don't mention her name anymore!"

"Malgayo...but I realized how fragile you are" she said then chuckled, is she making fun with me?

"WOW!" I said making some faces.

"Aish, I can't, I really can't...cause I don't know what to do now"


"You know, sometimes I think I'm the one who suffers the most here even tho I don't have any position to tell this because I'm just your friend, to the point I need to be involved at your problem, I mean y'all problems"

"But I just need to hear your advice for me, dzuh and don't make any sense to it. There's nothing between us"

"Weh? Are you sure you haven't cry for her for the past 3 years?"

"You know, I wondered why does people need to bring anything from past" I said rolling my eyes.

"HAHA, now you look so annoyed, sorry"

"Gwaenchanha" (A/N: means 'It's okay')

"By the way, since you pleased me to go here and talk with me for a very sense talk, well, I dare you"

"You dare me what?"

"Treat me coffee" she then acted like a cute baby.

"Yuck! Stop that! Annoying thing you're doing right now" I said.

"Malagayo..." she then pouts like a baby, aish! This kid!

"Aish, fine, I'll buy you a coffee" I said and stand up and ordered two coffee for us.

- - -

"Thank you for today, Jihyo" I said driving our way to her house.

"No problem, if you need me I'm always available" she said "Are you..." she added.

"I actually in mess decision but if I got to, I will"

"If ever you go at Japan to study, don't forget to inform me"

"Huh? Why?"

"I wanted to convey you and say 'goodbye' to you plus don't hesitate to tell me something or anything that is bothering you there"

"Sure, I will"

"Take care od yourself huh"

"Wait, isn't it too much? Eh? I still didn't decide about that but you're telling me everything right now like it was my last day here"

"Aish, pabo, I said IF EVER!"

"Just kidding tho, anyways, you can get out of my car now" I said smiling bitterly, but I was just joking.


"I said we're already here, didn't you notice it?"

"Uh...yeah I told...yes, ehe" she said then rolled her eyes before she turned her back and open the door of car to went out.

BOOK 2: TOGETHER Where stories live. Discover now