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Jeongyeon's POV

"Aish" I let out the loud sighed.

"Did you already decided to accept?"

"Not yet...but please give me time to decide"


"But who will gonna manage my company for a while? If I went there?"

"Mom volunteered herself for that since, me and Seoyeon were also busy to our own"

"Uh...what about, where do I get some money? I could work at Japan for my budget of paying everything I need?"

"No...mom will gonna manage your company for a while then the money that your company will earn, it will going to give you for your daily budget in life"


"Is this means you're going to accept it?"

"I said give me some time to decide unnie...wait...if mom volunteered herself to manage my company for a while if ever I'll go to Japan, it means you four already know about this?"


"Isn't it weird? I'm the one who lastly know about this?"

"Not, we already planned about this ever since when we noticed that you weren't yet moved on from that girl. Plus it's for your future, sometimes your works affected by your personal life"


"I'll be giving you time to decide its depends on you if you'll going to accept it"

"Aish" I said since I know I won't do anything to defend my side, they wanted me to send to Japan. It's a very big opportunity to learn but what if there's something will gonna happen?

- - -

Seungyeon's POV

I wake up in yhe middle of the night, I went downstairs and straightly go to kitchen just to drink water.

I handed a pitcher and glass at the other hand not until the lights went on, making me scared even more.

"Seungyeonie" fck this Seoyeon!

"Yah! You making me scared, by the way why are you here? You said you went on overtime"

"It's already done" she said smiling cutely with her finger up.



"You're not cute anymore"

"Tsk, anyways, did she..."

"She said let's give her time to decide"

"If I were Jeongyeon I'll going to accept that opportunity, why would I be that fragile to not moved on from that girl which we had a past in this 3 years ago"

"Yah, don't blame her. She suffers the most here, imagine she fetching that girl but then she got the most painful thing"

"But was just stating what I will do if..."

"Shatap doggie"


"I guessed they were destined or soulmate"

"Tsk, are you believing in that? That's like fairy tales"

"Why not? There's nothing went gone if you believed and you know..."

"Yeah I know I'm cute than you" she then left me at the kitchen.


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