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Jeongyeon's POV

Minutes after, Seungyeon unnie arrived at home after she horn her car, signs she's already outside.

I haven't inform me that Seoyeon unnie is with her, they both sitted at the dining table, three of us is in the kitchen. We need a silent place to talk with, which we think is kitchen. Plus, there's a food right there that was easy to get hehe.

"So what you're going to tell us? Mom said you have to tell something, what is it?" Seoyeon asked.

"I...will, I will accept it, I'll go to Japan"

"R-Really? Is this true?" Seoyeon unnie said again with OA expression.

"Yah! Stop acting that you shocked for this moment" Seungyeon unnie said slapping her shoulder, that making me chuckle a bit.

"Is that your fullest decision?" Seungyeon asked.

"Yes, why?" I answered nodding.

"You can say 'no' or 'not now' if it's isn't your fullest decision" she said.

"Unnie, I fully decided now, don't worry I will take care of myself and I won't forget y'all"

"Is Nayeon include to that 'won't forget'? " Seoyeon said.


"Don't mention any name, you asshole" Seungyeon said to her.


"Anyways, Jeongyeon when do you want to leave?"

"Seungyeon unnie, is it okay? If next week?"

"How short! Huh" Seoyeon said again (A/N: bida-bida talaga dito si Seoyeon)

"Yah, don't militate her decision" Seungyeon said again. That was literally making me laugh even more, I will never forget how Seungyeon unnie defend me from Seoyeon unnie.

Is that too short, the time I gave to myself to keep everything ready for my leave and go to Japan, I still have 7 days here before I went there.

Gotta go inform Jihyo for this...that's why I texted her.

Jihyo-ssi, are you busy? Can I call you?

No, I'm not

Then I dialed her number....


"Yah, don't shout when you were on call, that was making my eardrums break"


"By the way, why you call me? Is that important?"

"Maybe? But I will tell you something"

"Something? Aish, tell it to me straightly"

"So you don't want to be informed?"

"Huh? Is that mean..."

"Yes, Jihyo, I devided finally, I will go to Japan"


"Next week"

"What time?"

"Maybe, 7:00am?"

"Yah, why so fast? Earlier you have meet me for advice about that and now you're informing me?"

"Yes...I told to my self, that I'm willing to clown myself if I forget about her"

"Aish, nothing went new to you Jeongyeon your still a..."

"Don't done your words or else I'll go at your house and slap you with all impact"

"Yah, yeah, I said. I will shut my ass up"

"That's all, I just inform you..."

"Okay, annyoung-hi jumu ship shiyo" (A/N: means 'Goodnight')

"Nado!" (A/N: means 'Too') we then hang up the call.

Aish, I sighed, laying at my bed, I only had 1 week here, for sure, I will miss everything here at my room again like then before. Why do I acted like this? I'm like a kid on what I'm doing right now, after some minutes of meditation I let myself fell asleep.

Author's POV

Jeongyeon will go to Japan, one week left she will. She's now willing to forget about her past with Nayeon. I mean she's willing to clown herself again and tell that she's already moved on but the truth is not. She can't do that thing.

Nayeon's POV will coming soon...

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