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3 years later...

Jeongyeon's POV

"Yes?" I said as I picked up the call.

"Jeongyeon-ah! Where are you?"

"I'm here at eumsikjeom" (A/N: means restaurant)

"With who?"

"No one, I was just celebrating my achievements Nayeon-ah"


"WTF!" I shouted as I sit at my bed. Good thing, it was just a dream. I always told to myself that I already moved on from that girl. But why? Ugh! Sht!

"Jeongyeon? Are you okay?"

"Y-Yes mom!"

"I heard you shouted what happened?"

"It was just a bad dream mom"


I cover my face with my hands and then hold my hair. Why does my dream is like that? It was a shitty dream aish!

I started to take a bath, after changing my clothes I then went downstairs to eat my breakfast. I saw mom dad and unnies there already eating.

"Good morning" they greeted.

"Good morning too"

"Here's the meat" dad said handing me a plate of meat I get one and eat. After all, I went out and go to garage where my car parked.

I enter my company without any noise at surrounding.  Everytime, I'll going to enter this building, it feels really different that I can't train myself to bring it to reality that is happening right now is more important than past. What a shitty thought I had right now. I was so irritated to myself too.

While checking some papers or documents. My phone suddenly rings, I picked it up.

"Yes, Seungyeon unnie?"

"Are you busy?"


"So are you free?"

"Yes, why?"

"Can you come with me to shopping?"


"I'll be there at your company for 3 minutes" she then hanging it up. What a speed woman she is.

"Come in" I as someone knocked at my door.

"Let's go?"


- - -

"When you started to use some body mist huh?" I said.

"It's just a secret, and you don't need to know it"

"WOAH! my dork unnie is going like that to me? How can yo--" I was cutted off when she said.

"Is that Nayeon? Your former secretary?" she said pointing at somewhere and the foolish me look on it. I slap her shoulder.

"Yah! If you were annoyed to me don't do that!"

"Weh? Do you think you didn't cry for her?"

"Unnie, you know past is past?"

"Of course"

"Then why'd you bringing it back? You want me to bring back something from past?"


"Good dog" I said playing with her.

"I'm not your fcking dog, Jeongie, you kid"

"So stop bringing it back"


"By the way...is there something happened? Or you remember something? Because you went here for shopping plus you pleased me to come here"


"Eh? I know you'll going to do this just to forget about something, yah! You hiding something to me?"

"No...anyways, you said you wanted to go at Japan someday if you got a chance right?"

"Yeah, why are you changing the subject?"

"I'll tell you later..." Wow! Are she making me wait for that fcking nonsense?

- - -

We're at eumsikjeom now, it's already 5:32pm and we're totally hungry that's why we go there.

"Menyupan jom boyeojuseyo" (A/N: means can i have a menu?) she said and then the waiter handed us a menu. After choosing what we'll going to eat, waiter left us from the table.



"What do you mean about Japan?"

"Uh...that thing. It was your chance tho"


"Yeah, right, because you once said to me, sometimes you're getting hard to work at your company. So I find one school there, who can help you to not be pressured to works and how to balance everything also make your company become bigger and successful"

"Why does it need to be in Japan? If I'm living here in Korea?"

"Because some of it here in Korea didn't accept business related course. Eh, you already done schooling for the very very last year, sometimes they didn't accept someone like you"

"But I had a good and perfect face so why do they don't accept me?"

"Psycho! I meant they didn't accept someone like you who already graduated in other business related course"

"Just kidding"

"Are you okay for it?"


"But it was your chance, to go at Japan"

"But I said, if I got a chance to go there for vacation"

"What about your company's sake, sometimes it went down and sometimes there's a lucky days ro be talked in whole town because of your perfect products sometimes, I mean just look at it your marketing is like a ghost sometimes, will see and sometimes not"


"Also to move on..."


"Even tho how many times you've tell us you're already moved on your eyes, moves and heart can't lie"

"But I sai--" I've been cutted off again as the waiter approached us again and placing all food we ordered.

"Kamsa" unnie said after the waiter putted all food at the table. I sighed out loud and started to eat. As soon as she already told me things like that. I can't escape, I know she's doing that for me but sometimes I want to refuse it, maybe she's right. There's a side of me who keep telling about her but eyes, mind, moves or even heart can't lie about that thing.


Hai! Sorry for late update because yesterday I was a bit tired, but luckily it was our last day because of Christmas break.

Anyways, there's some things went knew in this book 2, I will not putting some title every chapaters I will just put numbers like this chapter. Plus I'll be putting some Korean words in some part sometimes, since I was trying to learn Korean I wanted to share it to y'all.

Thanks for reading!


BOOK 2: TOGETHER Where stories live. Discover now