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Jihyo's POV

"Inside of that 3 years, I can't forget about her instead I started to love her more...what should I do? I tried everything already, I tried everything I knew just to forget one person in my life, but it still not enough, the more I do that the more I hurt, the more I tried the more I can get easily tired of everything. I'm also done, I don't know what to do now, if I knew it this will happen someday, I might stop myself falling inlove with her over and over again...I'm like riding on roller coaster when I see her on convenient store, it made me realize something, remembering our past then the worst part of it until now, Jihyo, until now, I can't even forget that fcking moment of us" she made a pause for a while I think she's covering her mouth to not let me hear her sobs but it actually obvious when she started to talk again and explain her side, she's obviously crying while talking, I wanna hug her so bad, I want to comfort her now but, no, she's far away from me.

"I said I'll not let myself see her again after that but I can't, my mind keep on thinking about her, about what happened in the convenient store until it goes to past...I just wanna grab it all and throw it away from me then find another happiness but I think I'm wrong doing that thing is worst, I believe people have only one happiness in their lives but how can I? How can I do that? I also treated her as my happiness these past 3 years...how I can forget the person who made me smile even once?" she added.

"I admit it, I've been addicted to her as my secretary before but in happiness it always had the hole who can cut that, to the point I almist accept the fact that she'll never be mine...why do she need to pass me that fcking resignation?" did she said 'resignation'?

"Did you said resignation?"


"Speaking of it...haven't you approve that?"

"Jihyo, there's a time to talk about that..." she answered coldly.

"B-But..." I said but I don't get a chance to done my words because she hang up the call...resignation? Is she affected when we're talking about that thing? Or she had a reason to hang up the call, maybe, she was just shy after realizing she's now opening her problem to me? This is actually the first time she opened her problem to me, it's too rare hearing Jeongyeon crying at the other line of call.

I think she need to do something? Anyways, inside of that 3 years after the summer party when we held it at the beach some of our friends didn't come to that party because of heavy rain, also that's the reason why they have a chance to be together in one room at Jeongyeon's cottage.

After Nayeon goes out of Jeongyeon's cottage she went to our cottage and tell me what happened because she's obviously crying you can see it in her eyes being wet. Wiped for about couple seconds.

That time she started to confess her feelings about Jeongyeon, that's also the time when she started explaining her side.

Inside of that 3 years...I'm still a friend of them even tho they didn't have any update to each other. Sometimes, I'm with Nayeon sometimes with Jeongyeon. That's my life role being their friend in that 3 years, when I go to Nayeon she didn't even talk about Jeongyeon even once, like she already forget about Jeongyeon but for me she can't do that, as sama as Nayeon, Jeongyeon did that also.

You can't hear their sides talking about each other...but you can totally said they still love each other. Periodt.

Then now I already heard Jeongyeon's side after 3 years...it made understand their situation...

The importance is you can't blame them...

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