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Jeongyeon's POV

Since, I bought some beer from convenient store, as long as I arrived at my apartment I quickly cook my dinner for later but ended up of eating it earlier and drink my beer after.

I don't know why but I wanted to be alone right now, maybe because my emotions got hurted after Nayeon leaving me this morning, to the point I'm being having a fullest effort to prepare that breakfast but she then left me after that.

It was just an accident kiss but I really didn't mean it, I'm just helping her but why do I need to receive this fcking loneliness right now?

I'm nearly to be drunk after some shots, when I felt my eyes become watery like I can't control it from falling down,something my body was controled by someone. It was just a sudden of falling tears like I also didn't expect it and found my self crying with my head leaning at the table with my elbow.

I think I was emotionally hurted but physically nothing...

My phone rang from the table, I get it and picked up the call from Jihyo.

"Hi Jeongyeon, why you're not answering my ca-- why are you crying?" she said I think she heard my sobs.

"Hey! Tell me why!!!" she started shouting but luckily my phone was laying over the table and I didn't put it on my ear.

"Are you drunk already?"

"Yah! Answer me!"

"You know what...if I knew it this will happen someday at the first place I started to stop you and didn't give you an advices for going there at Japan, if I knew it that Nayeon will go there too...I'm sorry this is all my fault..." she said with her vouce became sad and feeling suspicious of what's happening to me.

"y-you don't need to blame yourself it's actually my fault being this...being like this, you have to, because it's all mine...I'm just too stupid for a decade, that I didn't notice I'm already destroying my life because of a girl who can't love me...and I deserve to suffer the most after all of this thing..." I said while sobbing.

"If I'm there to, I will le to care for youand stay at your side and never left you when times you're been like that, being suffered from depression..."

"You don't need to do that too...as what I said I deserve this..."


"I really deserve this!!!! Go away!" I shouted and started to sobs so loud again.

Jihyo's POV

"But...Jeongyeon..." I said.

"I really deserve this!!!! Go away!" she said the call was ended, I think she throw her phone because I'm too importunate. But I just wanted to make her calm and comforted with my words even tho there's so many distance between us.

I'm at my office now and trying to focus but still in mess, lately Seungyeon unnie told me to update them, should I update them that Jeongyeon is drinking alcohol right now? And this thing also come to my mind, should I call Nayeon and tell her to go back to Jeongyeon's apartment there and comfort her just to make Nayeon know what's really Jeongyeon's sides felt right now. Fck!!! I can't think right.

Give me some minutes to to think what will going to do for a while after all this thing....

Sadly, I wanna tell you guys that this book 2 will nearly to end part and sorry for having an slow update, I've been busy hope y'all can unders TV and why.

Anyways, after this there will be another 2yeon fanfic waiting! And thanks for reading and voting for this story

Keep safe!

Thank you!

BOOK 2: TOGETHER Where stories live. Discover now