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Author's POV

1 years later....

After that case where do Jeongyeon being hurted because of that 3 years, and the reason why she changed. Now she's happy and spending her time with her family.

Meanwhile, Nayeon also do the same thing as Jeongyeon, she also spending her time with Tzuyu and her mom. Her aunt is already at Korea too.

Jeongyeon's POV

"Yah, why are we here?" Jihyo asked.

"I'll buying a wedding dress..."

"Did Seungyeon unnie will going to marry a man now?" she said acting like she was shocked.

"Pabo, if she'll marry then why do she didn't here to choose her own dress?"

"You mean...you'll going to marry someone? But you didn't tell me yet who is it, and wait did your family arrange a marriage for you?"

"Can you please calm down first and stop being that confused? You look pabo by doing that"

"Mianhe, but please enlighten me"

"You'll know it later" I said and the staff approached me inviting me to go inside where do I can freely choose the wedding dress I want and they also measure it, if it's okay and fit to my body. After that my phone suddenly ring for call from Seungyeon unnie, I sat at the couch because I'm done.

"Jeongyeon-ah, did the designer I chose is good?" she asked.

"Yup, everything goes well. The event team, how is it?"

"Well, it's all okay, one thing is isn't there because the flower will pickup later but don't worry everything is alright too"

"Thanks for helping me for this wedding unnie"

"I told you she really fits you and you both will end together, be happy with her huh"

"I will and I will never get tired of making her happy"

"Good, but wait..."


"Did you already had a ring? And by the way the reception where it could be held?"

"Uh...about the reception can we held it at the resort? Then the ring can you told it to Seoyeon unnie?"

"Sure, everything is already okay now and what about you? Are you okay already?"

"Yup because there's no thing I'll be wishing for except being with my live ones"

"Yah, you're so corny for sure she'll get irritated if she'll heard that from you"

"No, because she lives me bleh"

"You asshole!"

"I'll hanging up now, Jihyo is coming, bye!" I said and finally hang up the call.

"Jeongyeon-ah" Jihyo exclaimed hugging me while sitting besides me.

"Why you didn't tell me now who's that lucky person who will marry you"

"You..." I teased.

"Wtf? I already had my Daniel!"

"But you said you both and already broken up, so you mean you did a comeback?"

"Yup, it was just a hard to me for both of us that's why we both decided to take a break for a while then we realize we loved each other to the point everything enlightened us, that we're both destined" Jihyo said and I teased her gaain by just acting like I was crying and wiping my imaginary tears. Then she slap my head to making me stop on what I'm doing.

"Your answer is too dramatic, I almost cry because of it" I said.

"By the way, let's go to the restaurant?" I said grabbing her wrist and leading her to go outside. And you to the mean restaurant.

We're already here sitting and waiting someone. After some minutes of waiting, someone approached us making Jihyo stayed in shocked and feel embarrassed.

"Yah, why you can't call me pretty welcome back?" Nayeon said.

"Hey, Jihyo" I said snapping my fingers in front of her face making her back to the reality.

"U-Uhh..." she said.

"By the way let's, order foods" I said and giving a waiter a hand signal and give us a menu.

We're waiting our food to arrived, then suddenly I noticed Jihyo being anxious.

"Yah, why?" I said and she look at me being confused. Nayeon chuckled after all.

"Jihyo, don't be like that, we're friends too, don't be shy to me" Nayeon said in a soft voice and look at me after saying those words, having eye contact with her and smiled back.

"Y-You mean..." Jihyo stuttered.

"Yup, don't mind it anymore, you're call when you almost scolded me it's actually okay thank you because you make me realize it, as in everything, sorry because I hanged up it and not let you done your words, because I immediately went to her apartment" Nayeon explain.

"Wait..." she said with her eyes wide open, something she realize already, I get a card from my bag and put it on the table, moving it forward to her. She then get it and still in shock, while me and Nayeon look at each other grinning.

"You guys! Why don't you tell me about this? So it means that day when I call Nayeon what I wished for become true? I'm very happy to both of you"

"This sunday is our wedding don't forget that" Nayeon said with a big smile.

"Thank you, and sorry" Jihyo said.


"Because of that--" she was cutted of by Nayeon.

"As what I've said, it's okay"

BOOK 2: TOGETHER Where stories live. Discover now