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Jeongyeon's POV

Finally, the class ended again I feel relief. I'm now walking at the street alone because Nako said she need to go to her mom after class because they have to do something, like bonding something like that. Hope all by the way.

I'll go to convenient store now, because I need to buy some for my daily food too, I will buy some chips like that.

After some minutes of walking towards that convenient store, I choose whatever I want and pay the counter with my credit card. This convenient store is small by the way, and this is not the convenient store I gone last, last week where I bumoed into Nayeon. This is near to my apartment too.

I bought some beer too. I want to be alone I don't care if soneone will bother me, I just wanna drink.

Nayeon's POV

I'm using hair blower now, after I took a shower, suddenly my phone light up and ring for calls while it charges, I picked up the call and unplugged it, it's Jihyo who's calling me.

"Yo!" she greeted first.

"What kind of greeting is that, are you a rapper?"

"Pabo! Anyways, what you're doing right now?"


"Eww, Nayeon, yoy smell like...yuck!"

"You btch! Why you call me?"

"Nothing too, I just wanna say hello too"

"Now, you already said 'hello' to me, I'll hanging up now"

"No, no, don't! I wanna talk something serious to you"



"About what?"

"Jeon-- sht" she said and I heard it she said 'sht'in whispering way. The name is obviously Jeongyeon.

"About Jeongyeon...then?"

"Uh...because she haven't contact me yet yesterday until now"

"Why you're asking me that? Do you think I'm her babysitter?"

"No...because you're here at Japan too, so why not?"

"Yes, I'm here but do you think she's here too?"

"Don't act like you didn't know, I knew it also, she bumped into you this past few day at convenient store right?"

"But...i-it's not me, maybe someone who I look like"

"Pabo! Stop cting like you didn't know, tell me the truth, do you still love her too?" when Jihyo asked me that thing I froze at my spot, I approached the moment gawk for a while and remembered the kiss, until I shook my head from right to left to bring myself into reality.

"Hey...are you still there?"


"Do you still love her too?"

"Jihyo, you know what happened last night?"

"Nayeon? Seriously? You're asking me that thing, escaping my question to you, and changing the subject?"

"No, I'm not this is related about the topic" I said feeling ready to confess what really happened yesterday.

"So...what is it?"

"I got drunk last night and the bar was about to close, I decided to text you but ended up of sending my text to her, you know what, I forgot that I'm at Japan, she said that to me also, she also tell me that I got a wrong number to text with, she received the text last night and picked me up there, she brought me into her apartment because she didn't know where I staying for a while since I'm here at Japan..."

"Oh god! Then what happened next?"

"Guessed what..."

"Y-you...my god! Don't tell me, you... Sht! I don't want to hear that word!"

"Don't be overreacting, pabo, stay calm"

"Stay calm? How can I stay calm if your words making me shocked even tho you haven't tell it yet! But based on what you meant it really is! "

"Pabo! Whatever is in your mind, I don't care because that's not true, we just did an accident kiss last night, now, are you okay?" I said straightly confessing.

"I feel relief, thanks, so after that accident kiss what happened next?" she continued with curiosity.

"After that, I woke up this morning she prepared breakfast for us but I refuse it..."

"You're so stupid! Why don't you go eat with her? It's just a breakfast! You wasted a chance to explain her, everything what you want!"

"Explain everything? We're done already, Jihyo, that's none of our businesses now, that's enough, everything is enough already, I don't to explain her something"

"You pride getting higher even more, Nayeon, it's actually obvious you know why? Remember when you tell me and explain your side, way back from that 3 years ago when you come and join us with summer party? It's a chance to tell her what you want to tell her, to explain her everything and make all things clearly...you really wasted that chance! Think of it first!" she said, again, her words making me realized something again, plus I remembered what happened again way back to that 3 years ago. After that she hang up the call after saying she'll contact Jeongyeon next, she gave me a time to realize it.

Finally, we're already at chapter 19, book 2 will almost done soon, some chapter will wait to publish then, we'll be having another 2yeon fanfic.

Hope you guys will love it too as much as how you love this Together 2yeon.

Keep safe and happy new year!


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