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Nayeon's POV

I wake up feeling dizzy a bit, but I can control myself from walking, I'm still on hangover.

I look around, wait, where I am?

This is not my room and this isn't familiar place anymore.


Where I am?

This is such a small room and the stuffs around there is isn't mine. Too cleaned to recognize.

I went out of the room and saw a girl calling someone from the other line of call.

I stared at her for about two couple minutes but still didn't recognize who is she, maybe she is one of the staff at the bar or I'm here at their dorm. There's a possibility that I'm in a bar, but hell no, I'm wrong 100% for sure because this place is too clean to see and to say that this is a dorm for a bar staffs.

She finally hang up the call and face me, omo! What I'm seeing right now? Is this true? Or just a dream?

"You wake up already, eat first befpre you go,  don't worry I didn't put some poison at the food" she jokes a bit, I sitted at the chair besides the table  but didn't touch any utensils placing over it, I just sitted with a flat face.

Is this mean she didn't mad at me after that 3 years? Or she was just acting...I started became confused in my own conclusions.

A moment of silence approached us for about 20 minutes.

"I slept at your room is it okay?" I said with an awkwardness.


"What happened last night?"

"N-Nothing..." she stuttered something happened yesterday.

"I need to go..." I said and stand up then about to leave her but she immediately grabbed my arms, making me face her. But before I face her I look at her hands first.

"You texted me last night but I guessed you forgot you're here at Japan and you've got a wrong number to contact Jihyo..."

"It was just a wrong number don't make any sense about that"

"Then I picked you up that's all and I let you sleep at my room, because I didn't know where you staying for a while"

"Liar! What about the kiss?"

"I didn't kiss you it was just an accident"

"Accident? I will go now, get your hands off to my arms" I said and she did, she never do pleasing me to stay for a while like 3 years ago when I come with her for summer party.

I went out of her apartment and let out a loud sighed, finally. Aunt might worry about me right now.

I commuted a cab and luckily I get one. I tell the driver where he can stop at that street I gave.

The only things I remember is I texted Jihyo to pick me up from that fcking bar. But I didn't notice it was Jeongyeon's number whom I tapped and send texts, I get my phone from my pocket and check the messages sht it's just a wrong number, there are so many people who receives that text but why Jeongyeon is the one who need to receive that?

Anyways, another tging I remember is I vomited and Jeongyeon helped me to do that at her bathroom then when I was about to lay at that fcking bed I touched a soft lips feeling it with my own lips, we kiss but I don't tgink so if that was just an accident.

My dizziness getting more strong than before of that thoughts I had in my fcking mind, wtf?

When I finally arrived at aunt's place I pay the driver and went inside, aunt also confused where do I gone last night and did not go back home too, she's worrying about me to. But I answered something invalid, I lied.

BOOK 2: TOGETHER Where stories live. Discover now