|Chapter 5|

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We're walking right now and i don't even know where tf are we going. Mattia, Alejandro and Robert has their guns and its terrifying me since it's all big.

There's this poor lady whom i think is homeless, was crying quietly beside the dumpster when Mattia just shot her like an insect.

"Why would you do that?!" I shouted at him angrily. He turned around with a smirk and then he ordered us to stop walking.

"What did you just say?" He said while reloading his gun and that's when i realized what have i done.

"U-um i-i" i stuttered not knowing what to say due to fear that he might kill me. "Poor thing." Then he pointed the gun at me and i heard a shot.

My eyes are shut closed and after a second, i heard a thud but i didnt got shot. I opened my eyes and saw Cyprien on the ground

Cyprien likes Y/n since from the start. They went to the same university but it came out that she doesn't recognize him.

When he saw the gun being pointed at her, he knows that he should save her. And he did.

He fell on the ground having a shot on his chest. It should hit y/n's head but it hit his chest.

She knelt down to engulf him in her arms while crying. "Why would you do that?" She asked sobbing.

Cyprien just spitted out blood and smiled at her. "I-i like you." He whisphered. She just sobbed uncontrollably.

Even tho she just knew him like in just five hours, she knew he's a good person. She didn't know what came up to her mind and she just kissed Cyprien.

But he didn't kiss back. Hes dead.

Y/n's p.o.v.
"Ok. Ok. Stop this bullshit drama." Robert suddenly says and pulled me up straight.

"But what about him?" I asked. "What about him?" Robert asked mocking me. "Do you think we'll go around carrying that body? Hell naw" he scoffed.

I can't believe him right now. All of them said nothing and kept on walking but i didn't. I took one flower nearby and i just took it.

I stayed quiet while praying for his soul. After all, i placed the flower on his chest and cried while running.

Robert's p.o.v.
I feel so sad tho. I like Y/n and i don't wanna see her cry but when she kissed that boy, jealousy erupted in me.

I also dont want to be in this group, Mattia and Alejandro just killing people makes me angry. I cant believe im still with them.

But the problem is, if i said what i want, im might or i will end up like what thay did to Cyprien.

It's currently 6am and im also tired but ale and Mattia seemed like they slept for the whole day on how they're so energetic.

They're using drugs and we'll meet up with the person they're getting their things but obviuosly, they will kill them.

They're wrong...

They can't beat those drug dealers. And everyone thinks that the purge will end up in an hour but again, wrong.

There's no government already. The local leaders in L.A. was all dead. No help will come in an hour without them knowing.

Mattia and Alejandro just wanted to kill and is not really a part of the group that wanted to have a purge.

They spotted the dealer's van and Mattia smirked while looking back at all of them. "Let's go get them." Two men in suit came out of the coming near them.

Mattia already knew what are they up to and started to take his hand gun out but it was too late. The two man already knocked Mattia and Alejandro out.

They dragged Robert, Kairi, Jojo and Y/n to the van. They came back to get Alejandro's and Mattia's knocked out body. "Where are you taking us?" Robert asked raging out.

One of the man pointed the gun at him. Robert raised his hands and shut himself up.

Moments later, they arrived at one of the big building in L.A. The men pulled them out but they're bringing y/n into another room. "WAIT! WHERE ARE YOU BRINGING HER?!" Robert asked while screaming.

"NO! PLEASE NO! LET ME STAY WITH THE-" But she's cutted off when someone hit her head with a gun. Robert, Jojo and Kairi was brought into one of the room inside the building along with Alejandro and Mattia's body.

God knows where they will bring her.
No one gave me ideas so enjoy this bullshit chapter.

the purge | Robert Georges Where stories live. Discover now