|Chapter 20|

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"Pass me the Lays." Alejandro said from the passenger seat. Y/n didn't know if he's asking her but passed the chip nonetheless. "Thanks." He said in a wierd tone. Like flirty.

Robert opened his one eyes and saw Alejandro looking weirdly at her. He suddenly engulfed her with a hug. "I love you."

Everyone looked at him weirdly but Jojo looked at him with narrow eyes. "Why so sudden." She giggled before pushing him slightly.

"Nothing." Robert smiled down at her and glared at Alejandro who just acted like nothing happened. He doesnt know why can't his feelings just fade away. Maybe its not love he's feeling but lust.

He can sometimes look at her chest or her thighs and just bite his lips. He can sometimes get hard and horny sometimes he sees her.


"Do you want to go with us?" Robert asked y/n who shook her head no. "I'll just use my phone here." She smiled at Robert. "I'll be safe. Don't worry. If someone might attact as Alejandro can surely fight. Right ale?" She looked at ale who's sitting on the passenger seat.

"Yeah." Alejandro looked at Robert after looking away from his phone. "Ok. We'll come back as fast as we can. Take care of her." He looked at ale before closing the door and ran with the others.

They're heading inside a thrift shop to get some new clothes.

Y/n was sitting down on the back seat while looking down at her phone. The Lays bag resting on her side.

Alejandro cant help but to stare at her chest. She's wearing a tank top that maybe a little low chested.

She looked up and saw Alejandro watching her through the mirror. "What?" She asked weirded. "God." He mumbled before throwing his phone down and moved to the backseat where she's sitting.

"I've been craving for you in a long time." He groaned. She knows what will happen and screamed. Or maybe she just tried. Alejandro covered her mouth almost immediately.

"They're gonna take a while so i think we should do this baby girl." He whispered to her left ear as her small whimpers can be heard underneath his hand covering her mouth.

She tried taking his hands off and also tried to shout but nothing happened. He's so much stronger than her.

"No one's gonna save you babygirl. Even that robert." He said in a harsh tone.

He started to suck and kiss on her neck. Tears started to roll down her cheeks as flashbacks flooded her mind. It was also Alejandro that raped her back then.

She tried to move a lot and squirm at her full strength but nothing happened on her attempts. She started to get tired and was scared that it might happen again.

She stopped crying and shouting. Alejandro took his hand off her mouth and pulled his pants down enough for his dick to sprung out.

Y/n took this opportunity to scream for help. "HELP! PLEASE!" She screamed. Alejandro was alarmed and covered her mouth immediately.

"Did you hear that?" Mattia asked as he stopped finding some sweat pants. "I think its y/n." Robert said and ran outside.

He opened the car door and saw Alejandro on top of y/n. She's obviously scared for her life.

"You bitch!" Robert said before pulling Alejandro out of the car.
Robert is so underrated tbh.

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