|Chapter 15|

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Alejandro immediatley shot anyone he saw but he didn't shot Hunter since he made y/n as his cover. The others led y/n and robert out of there.

The two men fell dead on the floor as Alejandro went near Hunter and punched him a couple of times. He also carried Jojo who's still passed out on the floor.

They ran down to the car while Mattia was just using his phone. They all squeezed themselves inside the car. "Where's ale and jojo?" Mattia asked. "They're left in there. Hunter and his men was there too." Kairi panted.

Y/n looked outside the window to wait for his brother. "Don't worry y/n. Ale will help him." Robert said to her while rubbing her back.

A weight was taken of her shoulder when alejandro was running to the car while helping Jojo walk. Jojo sat in the back while Ale on the passenger seat.

"Drive. Now." He ordered to Mattia while out the breath. He obey and dorve really fast. They saw Hunter walk out of the hotel to a car nearby. He was with 2 other men.

They looked back and saw Hunter following them. "Open the roof." Robert told them. Eduard's car is really fancy that you can open the roof. Mattia pushed the button for it without asking anything.

Robert took the gun from Eduard and stood up. He aimed to shoot Hunter's car. He's trying to shoot the tires since the windows are bulletproof but he cant since the car was moving really fast.

Hunter also looked out of the window and started to shoot the car they're all in but he's poor in aiming and shooting. 

"Why are they even following us?" Mattia said annoyed as usual. "Because of y/n." Alejandro answered as he also watched what's happening behind him.

"You're not even pretty tf." Y/n heard Mattia mumbled. She's kinda hurt because of that. "Don't insult her like that." Kairi interjected. She taught she's the only one that heard Mattia.

"What? Am i wrong? Cause she's pretty ugly for me." Mattia laughed and that made y/n snatch the pistol from Kairi's pants and aimed it to Mattia.

"You're pissing me off now." She said angrily. "Woah. Chill there y/n." Mattia said. "Shut your goddamn mouth then."   She mumbled and threw the gun back to Kairi.

They all went silent again as the gunshot continued from the outside. Alejandro decided to join too. They don't know why is too hard to shot a tire when it seems so easy in movies.

"Oh my fucking god. We're out of gas." Mattia said from the front seat. "Stop the car a little." They heard Robert say. Mattia did what he's told to.

Hunter's car also stopped and the car doors opened. The intense shooting began. Hunter used his car door as shield same with his 2 men but theyre really dumb and got shot easily.

They can't really shoot Hunter and just decided to shoot the retires so he can't follow them anymore.

Hunter was really confused when they're driving again. He started his car and tried to drive but his car made a loud noise. He went outside to see his tires got shot.

He lost it and started shouting angrily while firing his gun to the air. Y/n and the others are laughing inside the car as they drove slowly.

"Is there any reserved fuel there?" Mattia asked. "Nah. We forgot to get one." Eduard said.

"There's a nearby station there. Look." Cassandra pointed outisde but the car already stopped. "We need to push this  car now." Alejandro said.
Just another boring chapter. I hope i can make this book a lil longer and not short like my mafia book. I hope yall are still liking my stories tho.

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