|Chapter 6|

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Y/n woke up in a dark room but things are still visible. The cold floor and wall makes her shiver. What time is it? She asked. She can hear a ticking nearby and its a wall clock.


I thought this shit will end at 7? She told herself. She tried moving but stopped by the metal anklet connected to her. "Oh you're awake now." A voice said.

She looked at it and it was a man at the doorway. "W-who are you?" She asked the mysterious man. "Im Hunter." This man doesn't look really old for her. Just 3 or 5 years age gap.

"Why am i here? Where are my friends?" Hunter raised his hand to shush her. "They're downstairs darling." She nearly cringed at the name. "Please i wanna see them." She begged.

He walked nearer and nearer to her and squated infront of her. "Ok but be a good girl." He whisphered while touching her face with his fingers. She doesnt want to be touched like that but decided not to fight it.

He pulled her up aggressively and grabbed her outside. She saw that she's kept in a storage room and they're in a office building.

They went downstairs and he opened a door and that's when he saw Mattia, Alejandro and Robert being tortured. Jojo and Kairi were in the corner unconscious but their clothes are full of blood and so is their face. It's all fucked up.

The three boys were tied up while standing. They were being tased and all you can hear is screaming. "Please stop it!" She begged Hunter. "I thought you want revenge?" He asked.

She looked at him with a questioning face. "They hurted you and everything." He answered while watching the three boys scream in pain, looking entertained. "But why? I don't know you!" She screamed wanted to go and save her friends? But she's handcuffed and scared that she might expiriences what the 3 boys are experiencing right now.

"PLEASE I BEG YOU!" she kneeled down. She might be angry at them but she can't help watching them suffer like this. Hunter looked convinced, he let go of her handcuffs so he can make a sign to his men to stop what they're doing. They let their hands go and they all fell to the ground.

She ran to Robert while crying. "Im so sorry this happened to you." She said. She wanted to hold his face but the handcuffs doesn't want to. Robert looked exhausted. Sweat and blood was rushing down his face.

"N-no. Dont blame yourself." He forced a smile. "Im ok." But y/n knows he's not. "Is this your boyfriend?" Hunter interupted. "N-no." She answered. "Then why are you so worried about him?" Hunter raised his left eyebrow.

"Hes my friend." She said. "You're mine." Hunter said out of the blue. "What?" "I said you're mine and no one can take you away from me." He said through gritted teeth.

"But we barely knew each other." She said. "You barely knew me but i know you a lot. I've been watching you since you caught my eye on that one party you went before. I was there. Staring at you. Watching your every move."

That's creepy  she thought. "Even if you want it or no... you're mine" he said in my ear. "S-shes not yours." Robert whinced in pain after that.

"Shut up there." Hunter said through gritted teeth. "I-if you leave her i-i will." He managed to say through the pain he's into. Hunter kicked him on the stomach and he fell on his back while holding his stomach.

Hunter was attempting to do it again when y/n blocked her. "Please no." At this point she hoped that only purge has happened not this one. "Awww look at you trying to save her darling." Hunter insulted her.

"Now get out of the way" he said but y/n stayed in her place. "That's it. Im done." He pulled her up by her hair and grabbed her until they arrived at a different room.

He throwed her aggresively on the floor. "For your information, this purge isn't ending and everything is on my hands. The other states' officially ended theirs but ours will never." He leaned near her face.

"That also means i can do whatever i want to you and everybody including your filthy little boyfriend there." He added. She's scared. Terrified or whatsoever.

"Take me and let them go." He looked at her shocked but changed it immediately to a smirked face.
Lmao i dont know if i should continue this shit

the purge | Robert Georges Where stories live. Discover now