|Chapter 22|

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They continued driving to reach their destination. They saw a sign that they're 10km away from the border. They all got happy and cherry but the heavy atmosphere between Y/n, Robert and Alejandro never fade.

"Hey is that an old woman? Is she alive?" Y/n asked them as she scooted near the window. She saw an old lady sitting on the side walk. "Should we stop?" Cassandra asked too.

"I dont know?" Eduard said from the driver's seat. "Stop. I'll go out and help her." Y/n said. They all heard Mattia groan. "Look at her. She's so dirty and shit and you're gonna let her in here? Oh hell no." He said.

"Shut up dude. She just wanted to help." Robert said. "Leave if you dont want her here." Y/n said. "Oh so now im gonna leave for that bitch?" Mattia asked and everyone can feel this will lead into a heated arguement again.

"Stop. Stop. Lets just let her in. We're almost there." Jojo said. Y/n went out and because Robert always wanted to keep her safe, he also went out too.

They walked slowly to the old woman sitting between a tree and a dumpster. They also looked around to see if it's safe. No one was around. The others inside the car watched as the two went near the woman.

"Uh hey? Ma'am?" Y/n said. The woman looked at her. "Don't go here young lady. You'll die. Both of you." The woman said that made Robert and y/n think she's crazy.

"Go. GO!" The woman shouted. The two got scared and ran back to the car but its all too late. Some one grabbed her hair that pulled her back. Robert was also pulled by someone.

She saw that someone has their knife on his neck. "Say bye bye to your boyfriend." The man said. They're both scared and they looked at each other with wide eyes. "No please! We'll do anything. Please! Just let us go!" Y/n pleaded.

Both of the man laughed and came back into their serious demeanour again. The others inside the car dont know whether to do something and save them or just drive away.

Tears started to pour down their face knowing it will be their last moments together.

And without anything said, the man slit Robert's throat.
"Robert! ROBERT!" Y/n screamed in her sleep that made Robert wake up from his sleep. Her eyes shot open. She looked beside her to see if he's still with him. She saw him looking at her worriedly.

"Nightmare?" He asked in his morning voice. "Y-yes." She said. He sat up and so does she. He hugged her really tight. "Is about the purge again? The ones i died?" He asked.

She just nodded. "Dont worry. That's on the past now ok? Im here. Im alive." He reassures her. "The doctor said you might always have bad dreams but i think that's not healthy for the baby." He softly said before rubbing her belly.

She just hugged him really tight not wanting let him go. "Let's just go back to sleep ok? You need some more rest." Robert said before laying back down with her.

"Dont think about it anymore. Goodnight love." He mumbled against her head before they both fell back asleep.

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