|Chapter 21|

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Robert pulled Alejandro out of the car with full force making him fall to the floor. The others followed and saw what's happening. Robert started punching Alejandro and he was helpless.

He tried punching back but not giving Robert a lot of damage. Kairi saw Y/n inside the car having a panick attact. "Hey. Breath ok? Breath." He said while rubbing her back.

Grounds and skin hitting on skin was heard between Alejandro and Robert as the both of them still punches each other. Mattia pulled Alejandro up while Eduard stopped Robert.

He still wanted to give him a punch but he tried not to so he won't scare Y/n more. "R-robert." She whimpered as he looked back at her.

He went close to her and engulfed her with a tight hug. "Shhhh its ok. He's not gonna do anything to you anymore." He said against her head.

She kept catching for air. "Breath for me." He inhaled and she does. He exhaled slowly and she does too. He took the water bottle beside her and opened it for her.

"Drink." He said before closing the door. "Please talk to her first." Robert asked Kairi and Jojo. They did and both went inside the car.

Robert angrily looked at Alejandro as he walked near him. "Why would you do that." He grabbed ale's collar making him stand up. He can't stop his anger coming out.

Eduard was alarmed that he was gonna hit ale again so he immediatly went between them. "Why?!" Robert shouted to him who sat down again.

He just looked away from Robert. He doesnt know what do feel. "Stop acting like she's yours." He mumbled. "What did you say?" Robert attmepted tp punch him again but Eduard was fast to stop him

"Are you even sure if your feeling is real. Or her feelings is real. The both of yoy just met lately and you think she's yours. Your not even dating or shit." Alejandro said defending himself.

"But that doesnt stand for a reason why would you do that to her. You already did that to her before and she's obviously traumatized." Robert said.

"You did it too so stop acting like you're the purest motherfucker here!"

"I didn't! You think i raped her to after you?! No! I did not! We just talked at that time. I made her feel good but not in the way you did fucker!" Robert shouted to Alejandro.

He felt ashamed on himself now. He just realized it at this moment. He doesn't know why he would even argue for something bad he did. "Why did you do it? I thought you dont like her." Robert said.

"I like her. But not in the way anyone think that i would. I like her just for my lust." Alejandro said but not in arguing tone. "You should've told us. Or me. Even if its embarrassing and weird, i will still understand you for that since you talked to me." Robert said to his friend.

Silence filled the air until, "im sorry." Alejandro mumbled. "What?" Robert asked. "I said im sorry. For everything i did."

"Why saying it to me. Say it to her. She's the one you've abused." He said. Alejandro just nodded and walked to the car while Robert following him.
Im tired.

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