|Chapter 11|

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"Hey folks." A very deep voice said from behind all of them. They all looked behind and saw two big man probably same height as Mattia but definitely bigger.

"H-hey." Eduard said nervously. "What're y'all doin' here." The man with a hard Texan accent said. "We're just refueling." Mattia said as he acted like he's not scared.

Robert, Jojo and Alejandro were inside the restroom or the store. Y/n are praying in her mind that they should come back already cause all the guns are with them.

The other man immediatly grabbed y/n by her hair and he pointed a knife on her neck. "Give us your car or else I'll kill this bitch." The man said and there's something wrong. He's like drunk or high.

Mattia, Eduard, Kairi and Cassandra held their hands up. Mattia's expression changed to scared to smirked when he saw Robert and Alejandro signaling them to keep quiet.

"What're ya smirkin' about?" The man with the accent asked but he didn't answer. Robert and Alejandro shot both of the man on the back of their heads.

Y/n squealed in terror as she went away from the man's body's. The two dead bodies laid there as they continued what they are doing but a little more careful now.

Robert and Y/n are walking inside the store when they heard small whimpering from somewhere. They walked quietly to find where is it coming from.

They saw a rotting body of an old woman and nearby, they saw an old man crying on the corner. "Uh hey sir." Robert said and the old man suddenly flinched. "Kill me please." He cried to them.

They're both shocked. "No. We can't do that. We can help you. We're on our way to the border." Robert explained to the old man. "I can't leave her." The old man said referring to the old woman laying dead. Y/n saw in his name tag that his name is Paul.

"Who is she." Y/n asked. "She's my wife. For 45 years." Paul's hoarse voice said. "How old are you paul?" She asked. "74."

"Hey! Are y'all ok in there?" Mattia called from the outside. "Yeah!" Robert said.

"We need to go sir." Y/n said. The man hesitantly stood up and looked at his wife sadly. "I love you Miranda." He said as he followed the two outside.

"Who's he?" Jojo asked. "Im Paul. Im the owner of this store." He introduced himself.

"It's already crowded inside." Mattia said. "We still can fit." Y/n insisted. "We can't just leave him here."

"Fine." Mattia rolled his eyes. They all went inside the car and drove.

Paul seemed uncomfortable and guilty that he left hus wife there. "Im sure she wants you to be alive." Y/n reassures him. "Thank you young lady." He smiled.
Just to add something to make it long:)

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