|Chapter 16|

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"Oh my fucking god." Mattia complained as all of them pushed the car. "Were almost there so stop complaining." Robert said as Mattia just rolled his eyes.

"God, finally." They all sighed as they reached the gas station. "That shit literally took us hours." Y/n said as she sat in car while the door is open.

"Yow this shit gas nothing coming out of it." Robert said as he continued to press the handle. "Just try the other one." Y/n said to him.

The others are inside either inside the shop or the restroom. "Are you done?" Mattia said while eating a pop tart. "We need to move the car so it will reach the other hose." Robert explained.

"Then why the he'll are you moving so damn fast?" Mattia said and that made Robert a little angry but he tried to stop himself on punching him.

"Its not that damn easy."

"You barely did anything here!" Mattia shouted and in a swift moment he fell on the floor. Robert just punched him really hard. "You're starting to piss me of since the start and ive had enough!" He shouted to his bestfriend on the ground.

"You're acting like youre the only one who's suffering here!" His voice echoed through the whole quiet place. Y/n stood up and went to calm him down a little.

"So now you're acting like the king here?" Mattia stood up. "Mattia stop." She tried to stop him. "Shut up there." Mattia spat to her and he received another powerful punch on the stomach but he didn't fall this time.

"You wanna fight huh?" He said before throwing a punch to Robert. It hit his face his nose suddenly bled. Y/n can't do anything and just decided to call someone inside.

"Yo Robert and Mattia are fighting outside and i feel like they can kill each other." Y/n called for Alejandro and Eduard.

They all ran back outside and saw Mattia on the ground while Robert on top of him. "Yo stop." Alejandro pulled Robert away from Mattia but he's still trying to hit him more.

Eduard on the other hand hand helped Mattia stand up. "Dont touch me." He spitted on the ground. "Can you put a leash on him atleast." He said before walking off to the restroom.

He took a face towel from the store first before heading to the restroom. He opened the door of the restroom and saw Cassandra on the counter while Kairi between her legs. Theyre making out.

Anger erupted him again. "Sorry." He simply said and entered the other restroom. He didn't expect to get attached to Kairi a lot and he hates it.

He looked at himself in the mirror after washing his face with the water. Tears started to run down his face due to anger and the pain in his heart.

He punched the mirror and it cracked. He took off his hand and saw blood dripping down the broken mirror.

Y/n wipes Roberts wounds and cuts on his face. He's sitting on the car seat while She's between his legs. He hissed in pain as she accidentally touched his cutted nose.

"Oh sorry." She apologized and went closer to his face to clearly see where she's cleaning until she realized how close she is on his face.

They looked at each other's eyes as she stopped what she's doing. "Y'all not gonna make out here." Alejandro interrupted them. Robert gave him his middle finger.

"Fuck off you bitch."
Idk how to end this lol. Im sleepy.

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