|Chapter 1|

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"This is not a test, this is your
Emergency broadcast system.
Announcing the commencement of
The annual purge sanctioned by the
U.S. government. Weapon of class four and lower have been authorized for use during the purge. All other weapons are restructed. Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity and shall not be harmed. Commencing the siren, any and all crime (including murder) will be legal for 12 continuous hours. Police, fir and Emergency Medical services will be unavailable until tommorow morning at 7:00 a.m. When the purge concludes. Blessed be our new founding fathers and America... A new nation reborn. May God be with you all."

The announcement that appeared on our television gave me chills around my body. Me and my brother, Joseph or whom I call Jojo looked at each other terrified.

We're both immigrants from Japan for 2 years. We thought that these kind of things only happened in movies but it obviuosly doesn't.

"What are we gonna do now" I asked while looking at the TV screen showing the countdown for that siren or the purge to happen.

Jojo shook his head no while his face in his hands. We're living here in Los Angeles,California where that fucking purge will take main place at.

"I don't know what to do." I heard Jojo said, fear in his voice."I only have one gun with 5 bullets"

He has one. He bought it when we got here in L.A. for the first time. He said it's for safety which i found ridiculous back then but really important now.

It felt like we're sitting here for an hour but it's just 5minutes and its also 5 minutes before the siren.

We heard a banging on the door. Jojo sat up and slowly went near the door. He looked through the peep hole and opened the door.

My cousin, Kairi and a tall guy came in. Jojo slammed the door behind them and locked it immediately.

Kairi and his friend catched their breath.

"Why are you here?" Jojo asked them. "And who is this?"

"He's Robert Georges. My friend" Kairi answered.

Robert looked at me and smiled. I felt wierd but not in a bad way.

We all sat on the couch in the living room. I noticed Kairi has a big bag with him.

"What's on your bag?" I pointed to the bag. He looked at it.

"Oh. Since everyone is getting crazy about the purge" he said while putting the bag in front of him. "We decided to go to a grocery store and get some goods"

He opened it and i saw some chips and sodas.

"It's obviously not safe here if we stayed" Robert stated. "We're not also safe if we leave" Jojo said.

I can feel Jojo have a little suspicion on Robert as if he'll do anything bad. I can feel he's a good man tho.

My thoughts are interrupted by the siren from the outside. We can hear chaos from the outside and the worse sounds I'll ever hear: gunshots.

I can hear people screaming and some chainsaws. Even i can't see what's happening outside, i can still imagine it.

There's someone banging on the door for help but when i hear a gunshot, those cried for help stopped. Those poor people died without us giving help.

I also heard a chainsaw which is giving me chills. "Open the door or I'll break it down for you" a deep voice says from the outside.

"I can smell my next victims" then followed by a creepy evil laugh.

"Come on" Jojo whisphered and led us to the attict. I can still hear the chainsaw being started and i assume the man will break the door down.

We didnt go to the attict since there's no time to bring the ladder down so we decided to go down the basement.

I can feel my heart coming out of my fucking chest. We sat on the corner and we stayed quiet.

Then we heard a scratching noise coming nearer and nearer. My breathing is getting heavier every minute.

I covered my mouth when the scratching sound stopped.

A/n:hope you like it:)

Also follow me on:
YouTube:Jelly Anne

Stay safe and stay home please. I love y'all♡
745 words

the purge | Robert Georges Where stories live. Discover now