|Chapter 8|

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Hunter's p.o.v.
"Find them or else I'll kill all of you!" I growled to my men around me. They all left running to the cars nearby. They can't just take my dream girl away from me.

"So we're we going now?" Y/n asked as Mattia drives too fast. They can hear body and bones crushing since he doesn't care where he's driving at. "Let's just go to our old warehouse." He said.

They arrived there shortly and took everything they need: guns for their protection and some clothes. They also drove to the grocery store and that's when they saw a black car nearby.

A man came out with a big gun and they recognize him from Hunter's building. "Oh god. Why the fuck are they here?" Y/n muttered under breath. "Hunter probably wants you back." Kairi said.

"Then let's get out of here dumbfucks" mattia said then standing up. One of the liquors fell and it made a noise. "Oh fuck"

"Hey! Is someone in there!?" The man shouted and our eyes widened. "Come on now." Mattia whisphered yelled while pointing the other way but we heard footsteps and a gun being reloaded.

"Wtf." Alejandro mumbled and took his gun out. He stood up and shot the man. The gunshot was heard around the store and probably outside. We saw the other men come out of the car.

"Shit." Robert said. They walked passed the man who's laying on the floor but then he took his gun out and shot y/n. She fell to the floor making everyone freak out.

Robert shot the man 10 times in different places. He kneeled down beside her as she catches her breath. She's shot on the back shoulder. "You'll be ok" robert reassures her.

The others are shooting the other men but the two doesn't seem to care. Robert is worried that she might die infront of him. "Hey. Hey. Don't close your eyes ok?" He carresed her face as tears started running down her cheeks.

"I-im scared." She stuttered. The others killed the other men and kneeled beside her. Robert took of his shirt and pressed it against her wound.

"Lets bring her to the hospital." Kairi said. "There's no fucking workers there." Mattia said. "Let's just go there." Jojo on the other hand, said.

They drove to the hospital as fast as they can. "Hold on y/n. Please." At this point, Robert is crying. She felt sleepy and just wanted to close her eyes but she's trying not to.

Because she has a reason to live. Robert.
Bruh i suck at endings but this is not the end tho. I feel like i wanna discontinue this book. It didn't go well as i expected.

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