|Chapter 13|

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Y/n came out if the bathroom already changed. She saw Robert sitting in the bed. "Oh what are you doing here?" She asked. "I just waited for you."

"Why?" "I have something to ask you and something i wanna say." He said nervously. She sat beside him at the end of the bed.

"What is it?"

"I heard you crying a while ago, are you ok?" He asked her and her facial expression changed to smiley to sad.

"Uh everything just went a little too much for me." She smiled akwardly. "Don't worry. Im here." Robert said as he wrapped his arms around her. She laid her head on his shoulder.

"So what will you say?" She asked him as she say back straight again. "Uhh about what i said down there." He said a little shy. She just looked at him and continued listening.

"Uhh i like you." He scratched the back of his neck. She can see that he's really akward and she finds it really cute. "Its ok if you dont like me. No pressure." He added.

"Who said i dont like you?" She giggled and that made his heart flutter. A small smile of hope appeared on his face. "I like you too."

Then a quiet minute passed by while they're looking at each others eyes. The both of them leaned in. Their lips finally connected and it felt really immaculate.

She feels like everything went 365° turn as his whole body relaxed at the small touch.

They didn't even noticed the door open revealing Jojo. He just walked inside trying to find a shirt a little big for him. His eyes widened as he saw his sister kissing Robert.

"What the fuck!?"
Im tired ok?

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