|Chapter 9|

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They arrived at the hospital and it look like ghost town. The hall ways are full of random trash and other hospital equipment. The others are running inside the hospital to find someone who can help them while Robert laid y/n down on one of the hospital bed.

"God. Hold on please." He tightens his hold on her hand. Mattia came in with someone whom Robert guess, one of the nurse inside the hospital.

"Please help her!" He begged the nurse who looked at them scared but she looked sad when she saw y/n laying on the bed, dying.

"O-ok. I-i will just go get some things." She said scared. "I'll go with you." Mattia said and they went off. Robert looked back at y/n who looked tired and shit.

Her tears and sweat coming together. He prayed silently hoping you'll be ok. The nurse and Mattia came running back with trays of things in their hand. The nurse stared off by ripping the clothes off and cleaning the wound.

Robert and Mattia tried to find the others but they saw Alejandro and Kairi surrounding Jojo who is lying on the floor, full of blood. Kairi was trying to stop the excessive bleeding while Jojo ground in pain.

"What the fuck happened?" Robert asked them. "This one man who i think is crazy just shot him and ran away." Alejandro explained.

Then a man came running to them with things in his tray. "Im back." He said out of breath. "Who is this?" Robert asked. "He's one of the doctors here. We found him crying inside of the storage room." Kairi said.

The doctor started to clean Jojo's wounds and he started to scream in pain. "I can't find anesthesia so please take the pain." The doctor said while cringing at the sound of his scream. He knows how it feels.

"W-where my sister?" Jojo asked them. "She's being taking care of a nurse." Mattia said. "I think i should go check up on them." Robert said and ran back to the room where y/n and the nurse are.

He saw the nurse sewing her wound up. "I gave her sleeping shots so she can rest. She might be asleep of the next hours." The nurse explained as she take of her gloves.

"Thank you." Robert smiled to her. "It's my duty and i cant let her die." She said as she sat beside her. "You really love her dont you?" She added.

"Yeah. I do." He answered. "I just met her during this shit but i feel so connected with her."

"She really is your soulmate. Oh im Cassandra by the way." She let her hand out and Robert shook it. "Robert."

"She's really beautiful you know." The Cassandra said as she caresses y/n's arm while she sleeps. "What's her name?"

"Y/n. Nice right?" "It's a gorgeous name." They talked and talked when the others came in while carrying Jojo. "Is he ok now?" Robert asked them as they laid jojo down the bed beside y/n's.

"He gave him sleeping shots so he can rest." Kairi explained. "Who is she?" He pointed to Cassandra. "Im Cassandra." She smiled. Kairi felt a little weird feeling inside of him. He found her really beautiful.

"Oh bice to meet you. My name's Kairi." He held his hand out. Mattia was watching the both of them as he narrows his eyes. He thought the thing that happened to them was just on time thing but it's not.

"Hey Kairi. Can we talk?" He called Kairi as he looked at him confused. "Uh yeah." "Outside. Now." Mattia walked out and Kairi follows him.

"Did i said something wrong? He seems angry." Cassandra said as the others just shook their head.

"So what will you say?" Kairi looked up at Mattia as they arrived at the spot they can talk privately. "Do you like her?" And with that, kairi scrunched his face.

"What? I just met her tf. And what if i like her?" He scoffed and Mattia slammed him into the wall and had his hand on both sides of his head. His eyes widened at his actions.

"Stay away from her. You. Are. Mine." Mattia whispered at his ear. He looked at his eyes that was filled with shock and horror. "Understood?" He caressed his cheeks by his index finger.

Kairi nodded fast. "That's what i thought." Mattia chuckled and walked away.
I don't really ship mattia and Kairi but I'll just keep on writing about them in this story to add ✨spice✨

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