|Chapter 2|

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⚠Brutal languages ahead⚠

The door quickly opened and i heard the man laugh loudly but it stopped and he fell on the ground. Everything went really fucking fast.

Robert has a gun in his hand with a silencer. The man was shot straight on his forehead. His eyes are still opened

"You have a fucking gun?!" Jojo and Kairi whispered yell on the same time.

"Yes. We need to leave NOW." Robert demanded. We walked really fast to leave this house. I checked my phone to see the time. 7:20pm.

It felt like it's already an hour but it's just 20 minutes and we don't know how many minutes or hours more before we'll be killed.

We walked through the streets of California. It's really nice at this time before but it's definitely horrible right now.

There's a car burning at the corner, there's a big sprayed painted sign saying 'PRUGE' on the streets and walls.

But the most disgusting part is there's a dead bodies everywhere that is burning or just pilled up in a corner.

I nearly threw up when i saw like 10 heads of a woman hanging on a electrical wire nearby

I feel bad for these people. They're literally killed brutaly.

Jojo pulled me closer to him while Robert and Kairi leads us. "Where are we going?" I asked them

Robert turned around to say "i know you're hungry so we're heading to a grocery store" he smiled at the end which gave ne butterflies.

He turned back around to keep walking. I got goosebumps all over my body when i heard a painful scream of a woman on a nearby alley

We arrived at 7/11 shortly and everything is cleared. The grocery is still like a kilometer away so we decided to just come here. Im kinda nervous that someone might be watching us.

Im here getting some chocolates and everyone is scattered around. Im opening a Hershey bar when i heard Kairi called me like he needs help.

I turned around but someone hit my head with a hard object making everything black.
I woke up in a dark room but i can still see things. I moved my arms but it's tied up behind me in a metal bar.

I looked around me to see that there's Kairi and Jojo but not Robert. I also saw a boy beside me that i dont know.

Why is Robert isn't here?

Jojo and Kairi are tied together and Kairi's the one nearer. They're both passed out same with the boy beside me.

I stretched as far as i can to reach Kairi's foot to wake him up. "Kairi!? Kairi?!" I whisphered yelled. He then finally woke up after a solid 5 minutes.

"Yes?" He asked in a sleepy voice. I didn't say anything and waited for him to wake up completely.

"Ow!" He whimpered while holding his head. "You ok?" I asked. "Yeah"

"Wake him up" i said referring to Jojo. He woke up after Kairi slapped his face. "Ow!" He shouted making the boy beside me move.

"Where are we? And where is Robert?" Kairi asked "idk" i shrugged my shoulders. Im also worried that what if Robert died.

"Oh hey" the boy beside me talked  and his French accent obvious in his voice. "Hey. Why are you here?" I asked

"I don't know. Im a cashier at 7/11 and im hiding there when a boy pretended to help me but... i ended up here" he answered.

The thought of Robert betraying us came up in my mind. I don't want to think about that. He can't do it but im absolutely wrong.

"I see you already told them what should i say" Robert emerged from the dark with a metal rod in his hand.

My eyes widened at what he said. Same with Kairi and Jojo. "What the fuck? You're my friend!" Kairi yelled in anger

"I knew it from the start. I can feel that this man is sus" Jojo chimed in.

I just looked at Robert with wide eyes. I can't believe i nearly caught feelings for a killer

I shook my head in disbelief while he just smirked. He even have the audacity to blink before he leave.

Then a boy with a curly hair and a really tall guy entered the room and opened the lights. I looked around and saw that we're at a construction site.

There's a blood stains everywhere.  "Did y'all slept good?" The dude with curly hair said which annoyed me.

"No obviuosly" i spat which made them shot a look at me. "Ouhh feisty" the tall guy said.

"Im Alejandro and he's Mattia" the curly hair dude said. "I dont give a fuck. I ain't asking" i spat again. Jojo and Kairi looked at me with fear.

Alejandro rubbed his face and squated in front of me. He grabbed my face aggressively.

"Don't talk to me like that or something bad will happed" he said. "Don't fucking touch her!" Jojo yelled that made Mattia point the gun at him.

"Or maybe i can give you something good" his hand traced down to my shoulder to my waist. I tried squirming but he wont let me go.

He then stood up and pointed the gun at me.
A/n:Bruh sorry for the disgusting language. I think imma add smut on the next chapter.

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Stay safe and stay home:) i love y'all♡
919 words

the purge | Robert Georges Where stories live. Discover now