|Chapter 19|

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Everyone went out to take a bath in one  of the hotel nearby. They expected the drive to Arizona will be long but not this long. They're already in San Diego and 100 miles more. Theyre literally on the road for a very long time now.

Robert and Alejandro were the first one to get done. They both went inside the car since staying outside was not really a safe thing. They're really lucky not to drive upon some killers.

Robert decided to talk to Alejandro since they're the only person in the car now. Ale is using his phone in the front seat while Robert was in the back.

"Hey. Can i talk to you for a sec?" Robert asked. Ale looked at him and raised both of his eyebrows. "I've been seeing lately that you always stare at y/n with that eyes you always give to someone you find hot." Robert said.

"What do you mean?" Alejandro knows exactly what he's taking about. "You're my friend and i known you for a long time now so dont lie. Do you like y/n?" He asked straight to the point.

"What?" Alejandro laughed. "Ofcourse not. She's you're and she's not my type. You just catch me at the times im staring at her but i swear, im not always doing that." Ale even raised his hand.

Robert just shrugged his shoulders. He's too tired to deal with it today. Maybe if Alejandro went a little far, he might confront him already.

Everyone came back in the car all fresh and clean. "What're  those?" Robert asked reffering to the bag they're all holding. "We all went to their kitchen and saw some food that we can eat all the way so we don't need to stop and take from stores." Y/n said as she searches for the chips she deserved for herself.

"Nice." Alejandro said that made Robert look at him. Y/n can feel something was up between them. "What's wrong?" She asked as she looked to the both of them.

"Just drive now idiot." Mattia said all grumpy from the passenger seat. "Ok boss." Alejandro mumbled.
Yah. Short.

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