|Chapter 14|

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Y/n and Roberts eyes widened as they pulled out of the kiss they looked at each other and at Jojo. "What the fuck was that?" Jojo asked Robert as he pulled y/n up and placed her behind him.

"A kiss?" Robert said. "Yeah and why would you kiss her?" Jojo asked angrily. "Jo. There's nothing to be angry for." Y/n said from behind him

"There's something to be angry for. He's the reason why we are here in the first place." He said while throwing a bad look at Robert. Y/n looked at him with sorry in her eyes.

"Ok. Sorry ok?" Robert stood up. "I didn't want to be in here too." He continued. "And i like y/n a lot."

Jojo scoffed. "The two of you just met each other and at this kind of situation."

"Its been a whole month now." Y/n insisted while trying to go beside Robert but Jojo stopped her. "I won't let-" but he's cut off by someone hitting his head.

Y/n tried to scream for help but someone coverd her mouth same with Robert. They looked at each other with wide eyes. "So the both of you like each other huh?" A familiar voice.

They saw Hunter walked in the room. She looked at him with terror as Hunter moved Jojo's head with his feet. "Y'all really think yall can get away from me?"  He chuckled.

He walked near y/n who's screaming under the big hands covering her mouth. "Don't be that harsh to her Chris." Hunter said to the man who's shutting her up.

The hand was removed from her face but she didn't scream of anything. She just stood there glaring at Hunter while Robert was just watching his everymove.

"I missed you my love." He said weirdly while touching her cheek with his finger. "I don't even know you." She said. "Did i say talk to me?" His mood changed immediately.

He harshly grabbed her throat a little tight. Robert managed to take the mans hand off her mouth. "Dont touch her you bitch." He kicked Hunter causing him to stumble back.

The man supposedly holding him caught him again and held him tighter. Hunter stood up and chuckled like the weirdo he is but he also punched Robert in the stomach making him groan in pain.

Y/n stopped Hunter but he just pushed her to the side. He threw another punch at Robert face making him feel more pain but tried not to show it to her.
"Why the fuck are they so slow?" Mattia asked annoyed as he tapped the steering wheel. "Why not let's go check them?" Eduard asked.

"Just go if you want I'll be waiting here." Mattia said as he sat more comfortably in his seat. Cassandra, Eduard, Kairi and Alejandro want out of the car.

"You going too?" Mattia asked Alejandro. "Uh- yeah?" He answered while shrugging his shoulders. "The fuck?" Mattia said annoyed as they all went inside carefully.

They also took a gun with them but only Alejandro and Eduard knows how to use them. They can feel that y/n, Robert and Jojo are in danger.

As they walked nearer and nearer to the hotel room theyre in they can hear voices. Alejandro placed his finger on his lips to shush everyone up.

They can hear Robert groaning in pain and Hunter's voice.  "Is that hunter?" Kairi asked. "Yeah. I think so." Ale answered.

"Who is he?" Cassandra asked. "I'll tell you later." Kairi answered her with a smile.

"I'll shot anyone i can shoot when we enter while y'all help the others go out and run straight to the car." Alejandro explained as they hear another groan from Robert.

"One. Two. Three." He whisphered yell as he nodded and went inside. "Surprise bitches!".
Y'all need to vote for this shit.

I think I'll not update for a short time tho. I'll be busy at school LMAO

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