|Chapter 18|

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Everyone is asleep while both Alejandro and Eduard is awake. Alejandro keeps staring at y/n through the rear view mirror as Eduard is concentrated on his driving.

Alejandro dont know why is he staring at her and why does he like to see her so much. He also feel like getting jealous when she's having fun with Robert all the time.

Robert woke up and he opened his eyes. He looked at the rear view mirror and saw Alejandro staring at y/n. He didn't mind it but he feels like something is with his stare.

He just went back to sleep and didn't think a lot about it. They drove for the next hour until they stopped at a convenience store.

"What do you want me to get you?" Robert asked y/n. She doesn't want to go out of the car since she's tired. "Whatever you will get." She mumbled while her eyes closed.

"Ok." He said and ran inside the store. Alejandro was just standing near the car where he can see her resting. He feels like he likes her.

He doenst know why the hell does he liked her at all. He knows he cant since she like Robert and Robert liked her. Its just really weird for him to like somebody like her.

Robert is walking back the car when he saw Alejandro staring at y/n... again. He now finds it a little weird but decided not to talk to him at this moment.

"Here!" He said as he handed her a chip and a chocolate bar. She opened her eyes and smiled at him. "Thank you." She said and kissed his lips.

Jojo stares at them from the corner with  "the look". Robert looked around and still saw Alejandro staring at him and y/n. It's a little creepy but he decided to just talk to him on the next time he catches him staring at her again.

Alejandro felt a little embarrassed when Robert catches him staring. He knows he's already suspecting something and will try not to stare at her weirdly.
Gordon Ramsay's videos in youtube are really entertaining.

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