|Chapter 4|

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Mattia's p.o.v.
After Alejandro took out the girl it's my turn to take mine. I can feel a sexual connection with the short boy they are with.

"Come with me." I said seriously to him. He didn't move a centimeter. "Did you hear me bitch?!" I shouted that made him stand.

"Where are you taking him?" The asian dude asked. "You don't care" i just simply said while pulling the boy i want.

It's not obvious but i am gay. Im sometimes attracted to women but mostly to men. I'm really horny for the past hour and i got hornier when i saw this boy. (Oh god im sorry)

I took him into a room and i can hear screamed and groans and i assume Alejandro is having fun already.

"What's you name?" I asked seductively to him while walking to him. His back hit the wall. "Kairi." He said softly. "And im daddy" i said and connected our lips immediately.

He kissed back while his hand running through my hair. I slipped my tongue inside his mouth and started exploring. (Dora the explorer)

I carried him to the bed while our lips still attached. I took my shirt of and reconnected our lips. I smirked while kissing him while taking of my belt and my pants.

We both undressed and that's when i saw his precious body. I kissed down his body to his v-line. I took his boxers of and his dick sprung out. (Im so uncomfortable)

I licked his dick from the bottom to the top and took everything in my mouth. Kairi let out a long moan and gasps.

"O-oh m-my g-god" he mumbled out while out of breath. I sucked his dick until he cummed. (Im not making this detailed bruh-)

I aligned my shaft to his hole and shoved it all inside of him. We both let out a satisfied moan.

I thrusthed really fast while stroking his dick. He started to shake uncontrollably. "O-oh s-slower M-mattia."

"Thats not my name bitch." I spat. "S-slow down d-daddy"

But i didn't slow down. I thrusthed faster than ever. "I-im g-gonna cum!" He squealed.

"Hold it a little while"

"Ok. Now." I grunted after a few thrusts. His cum spreaded on his abs while i came inside him. "Oh yeah"

I pulled out and saw my cum dripping out of him. He laid there out of breath while i laid beside him.

"That's amazing." Kairi said when he already catched his breath.
I got dressed and left the room to get him some clothes. I saw that's it's 12am. 7 hours more.

Alejandro is sitting while chugging one bottle of vodka while playing with the gun in his hand.

"You enjoyed with that boy?" Alejandro asked but not looking at me. "Yeah" i simply said.

The next day...
Y/n's p.o.v.
I fell asleep after talking with Cyprien last night. His french accent is really cute. He's also really cute.

I woke up with someone tapping my cheeks softly. "Hey. Wake up y/n." I know thats Cyprien. His name is pronounced like sipriyen not syprien which is kinda different.

I sat up straight and i felt my stomach grumble. The last time i ate is before the purge started.

"Good morning." He sweetly said. "Goodmorning."

Im waking Jojo up when the door opened and i saw Kairi enter with a different clothes.

"Did you do the nasty with Mattia?" I whispher. He just nodded and sat beside Jojo who already woke up.

"I told you Mattia's gay." Cyprien chimed in. "And you also?" I asked Kairi and again, he just nodded.

The door opened harshly and its Alejandro. "Come outside to eat." Then he winked at me and then left.

I just stood up and helped Cyprien. "So now you're helping him more than your own brother?" Jojo asked while i just laughed.

We went out and went to the 'kitchen'. It doesnt look like kitchen at all. It's 4am and im so damn tired.

I just sat on the sack of cement nearby since all the chairs are occupied by Mattia, Alejandro and Robert.

They handed us a loaf bread that isn't tasty like at all. "So where will you bring us?" Jojo asked.

"Somewhere i cant tell you." Alejandro mumbled while chewing his food that is tastier than this stupid loaf.
A/n:im so unmotivated rn:(


Im just sharing that hot photo at the start:)

the purge | Robert Georges Where stories live. Discover now