Ch. 14 - Fuck Me Sideways

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"Why ask why,
when how is so much more fun!"

- Litizia

Chapter 14 - Fuck Me Sideways

▪️A L E K S A N D R▪️

It was almost 7pm as I made my way downstairs to wait for Litizia.

Taking out my mobile phone, I sent her a quick message to let her know that I was ready. Running a hand through my hair, I could not believe the slight jitters of anxiety coursing through me.

"I'm down in the foyer,
ready when you are."

As soon as the message was sent, it was immediately read and I wondered if she had been staring at the message box all this time.

"I'm ready, but also not ready."

"Is everything alright?
It's okay if you need more time.
There's no rush, our reservation
is secured."

"Everything is fine,
I'm just having last minute doubts about the dress."

I laughed softly, the sound echoing in the large foyer as I looked down at the screen of my phone and I could not help but shake my head as I typed another reply.

"Zia, I'm sure that whatever you're wearing looks great.
You always look amazing, no matter what you have on."

As cheesy as the words sounded to me, they were the truth. I did not know how it was physically possible, but it seemed like every time I saw her, she looked more beautiful than the previous time.

Before I could give the notion any more thought, my phone pinged with a new message.

"I'm not so sure..."

"What do you mean?"

"It's something that Jade picked out,
so obviously it's a bit over the top but I do like it.
Although now, I'm afraid of what you'd think."

From the moment I read that Jade was behind the dress choice, I silently wondered what the Calvetti woman had planned.

"Show me..."

I was curious to see what Jade had picked out, thinking that it could not have been too bad if Litizia liked it. Although given her hesitancy to come downstairs, I got the impression that whatever it was, was not something that my fiancée would normally dress herself in.

A part of me felt a prideful tug in my chest knowing that Litizia sought my approval. The sound of a new incoming message caused me to shake my head as I refocused my attention.

Looking down at my phone, I nearly dropped the device as my eyes opened up at the picture that Litizia sent me.


Holy fuck!

Was Jade trying to kill me?

The red dress clung to Litizia's body like a second skin stopping just above her knees. There were thick straps encasing her neck, leaving much of her shoulder exposed and my lips itched to kiss her smooth skin.

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