Ch. 36 - Less Than Whole

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"Maybe dye your pubes red,
I did mine in purple a few years ago."

- Jade

Chapter 36 - Less Than Whole

▪️L I T I Z I A▪️

"I swear, men can be so fucking stupid!" Jade complained as we moved about, organising stuff in the nursery.

The room for their baby was just beautiful, with blue and grey tones and the name 'Aurelio' written on one of the walls. The nursery had everything that was necessary and Dominic spared no expense in getting the best for his unborn son.

At Jade's unexpected outburst I chuckled softly and said, "Indeed, but we love them anyway, yes?"

She only grumbled in reply.

My fingers gently touched the purple dragon I had bought for Aurelio, a small smile coming to my face. As my mind thought about what it would be like to start my own family, my smile faltered.

"Do you think I overreacted?" I suddenly asked.

"No! And Sasha is fucking lucky that I purposefully shot the ground next to his foot and that Dominic pulled me away before I could reconsider doing any damage," Jade frowned slightly.

I was so grateful to Dominic, as Lord alone knew what Jade would have done had she not been restrained by her husband. She had a temper on her and had a habit of shooting first and asking questions later.

The thought caused me to shake my head as a soft laugh escaped me. As violent as Jade was, I would not change her for anything. She was protective of those she loved and even though she had expressed her doubts, I had reassured her and told her that I knew she would make an excellent mother.

Looking at her, I asked again, "Are you sure? I mean it's been three weeks since I left. You honestly don't think that I overreacted?"

Scoffing, Jade sat down on the day bed, patting the mattress so that I could sit next to her.

"Well, that depends. Had it been Dominic and myself, I would have ended up slapping and cursing him. To which he'd have yelled back and pushed me up roughly against the nearest wall before we fucked the anger out of each other."

My cheeks burnt at her words.

Grinning at my facial expression, Jade continued, "But you're not me and Aleksandr is definitely not Dominic. You two are more level-headed, perhaps maybe too level headed."

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Instead of exploding and yelling at him like most women would have, you left. Instead of saying something that you would have regretted, you chose to leave to clear your head. In response, instead of stopping you and forcing you to talk, Aleksandr just let you walk away. Which I suppose was the right thing, but he definitely didn't expect you to stay away as long as you did," Jade chuckled softly.

I nodded.

When Quintin had picked me up and brought me to the Calvetti manor, Jade had been livid, stating that Aleksandr had been stupid in what he had done. She told me that she knew about the divorce papers, as he had them drawn up before we had even met. However, Jade had no idea that he had kept the papers. Had she known that, she would have advised him to show them to me sooner rather than later.

At the time, my mind was so clouded, wondering if he really had plans to divorce me. It was hard to believe that he had no intentions of going through with it as to me, the fact that he had kept the papers was baffling.

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